i used to believe

Established in 2002 and now featuring 76652 beliefs!


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at home

Choose one of the following categories: around the house, basements, bathrooms, in my closet, mirrors, under my bed,or view the best beliefs in this section as voted by visitors. Here are the most recently added beliefs:

When I was a kid, there was a smoke detector in my room, and most of the time the light was green but sometimes it would flash red for a second.

I believed that if I saw it flash red three times in the same night I would die. No idea why I thought that.

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When I was younger, I used to bellive a ghost or a witch could do out my cupboard if the door was ajat

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When I was younger, I used to believe that a monster lived under my bed.

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When I was younger I used to believe that when I hit an object they would feel pain like they were living.

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I didn't know the word "massage" (as in rubbing) was spelled like that, but I knew the word "massive" and this looked similar, so I was always put LOTS of conditioner in my hair.

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I was freaked out by Steven Tyler as a kid. Whenever I went to the bathroom I was nervous that he would pop out of the shower curtains and scare me while I was using the toilet.

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When I was little I thought that if I fell into the toilet it would absorb me and take me through the sewers.

Anita Gutierrez
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I used to think that, because as a child I had graduated from potty seats to normal toilet seats, adults would sit without any toilet seat. So I spent a while trying to balance on an open toilet without falling in.

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I used to think there was a monster under my bed , hiding there waiting for me to sleep and after eat me.
one time my brother said to me that the monster arriver , I shout very loud I was stuck two hours.
In the bed room my parent's . But the monster wasn't coming...and it never came !

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When I was a little girl, I used to think that my parents left me alone when I slept and they made audio-recording with thier voices so that I think that they were still in our house. So every evening I looked behind the door to check if my parents were still there. I understood the truth when I saw that every evening they were still there and I felt stupid.

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