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My dad used to tell my nephew if he was running around with no clothes on (he was 2 or 3) that the ducks would bite his bum. He believed him, and when I took him to a park once he wouldn't go near the ducks because he thought they were going to bite him
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We used to take the bus all the time when I was a kid, as our family didn't have a car. One day, there were a bunch of pigeons around the bus stop, and one of them was making that "coo coo" noise. I asked my dad why the pigeon was cooing, and he told me that it was because it was pregnant.
When I was 20, I was with my girlfriend, and heard a pigeon cooing. I exclaimed, "Wow, a pregnant pigeon!" She soon had me straightened out.
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I used to believe that a female bird would lay an egg and the male would come by, sit on the egg and fertilize it.
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I used to think that ducks had four legs and that they tucked them under their body when they were out of the water because they didn't like the way they looked and didn't want humans to make fun of them.
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When I was about 7 yrs old our chickens would jump over the fence and dig up mums garden so Dad said he was going to chop their toenails off, using an axe (!) of all things. Little did I know but he was actually chopping their heads off and right up until I was about 15 I really believed that chickens would die if you cut their toenails off.
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When we were young, my friend and I convinced my friend's little brother that the birds were calling out his name.
"Pete! Pete!"
He listened and a look of shock spread across his face as he heard it.
"Pete! Pete!"
It was the time of year when big black evil looking birds gathered and swarmed in big black masses across the cold sky. I think he must have thought that they were going to get him.
when i was 21 i used to think that birds were rabbits with 45 now and realise i have learning difficulties...
I'm 15, and I was just browsing the site. I feel insanely stupid, because I came across this one belief that states that they believed chickens and hens were the same breed of bird, and that they were always female, and that cocks were always male.
I too believed this, until about two minutes ago..
Amendments to my belief that hens and chickens were the same breed of bird, and cocks were a different breed.
I forgot to mention that I thought hens and chickens were always female and cocks were always male. Makes you think how the hell they could've reproduced!
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We convinced my younger Brother, Mark that the sea gulls weren't calling aaark, but they were calling Maaarrrk and were going to get him. You'll be glad to know that he has recovered against the odds into a well adjusted adult.
I thought that hens and chickens were the same thing and that cocks were a different breed of bird! I was very surprised to learn that cocks and hens were simply male and female chickens when I was 10
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I used to think that chickens actually just handed over their wings for us to eat, but that the rest of the chicken was spared. I wondered why I never saw any chickens walking around without wings.
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i once asked my father why bird excrement was white. he told me it was because it got *really* scared on the way down.
I used to believe that birds had a grave yard, just like an elephant grave yard. I just knew there was a field somewhere with tiny little bird bones scattered everywhere. After awhile I gave up looking for it and decided that they all died over the ocean.
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My 7 year old nephew holds the opinion that the correct name for a pidgeon is a "city chicken".
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When I was about two or three I used to believe that the birds were starving. When they flew over our house, I felt so sorry for them...I thought they were trying desperately to find food. Well, this prompted me to begin shouting, my face toward the sky, "DOUGHNUTS!!! WE"RE GONNA GET YOU SOME DOUGHNUTS!!!" I was hoping that might cheer up the birds, and usually after that my grandparents would give me some stale bread to throw out.
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When I was a young girl my family went to the zoo. My Uncle told me that when the Flamingos were bad they chopped off one leg and that is why so many Flamingos were standing on one leg. A few were sitting down and he said those had not learned their lesson the first time.
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I used to believe when the birds sang, they were telling each other about things I did. I would try very hard not to do anything weird to keep the birds from talking about me.
When I was little, I remember time and time again when I would be eating with my Gramma K, and I would drop something on the floor -- she'd pick it right up and eat it. I was in shock at first. She always said, tho, that after all, "We eat over at least a ton of dirt every day, so it doesn't really matter." Well, years later, after eating lots of stuff that had fallen on the ground and remembering her motto, I realized that "over" could mean "over the top of," as in: Under our feet. I didn't eat dropped food as freely after that insight.
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Our local park had a man-made lake about 2 feet deep. It had ducks in it. To get around on the lake, I thought the ducks' legs got really long and their feet walked on the bottom of the lake. I though they just folded their legs up under their feathers on land.
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