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When I was around 7 or 8, we moved to a house that had chickens, roosters, horses and a few ducks. My mom told me that the way eggs turn into baby chickens is that the rooster fertilizes the eggs. (I already knew how OTHER animals with "live births" got pregnant. I never really thought much of it, but I took this to mean that the chicken lays the eggs, and then the rooster sits on them and does the deed.
I skipped grades in school, and my IQ is QUITE high (not as high as it was when I was a kid, though!) Yet I didn't actually "find out" how baby chickens get "into the egg" until I was a young adult...
top belief!
I used to be scared of lying on the ground in the sun in open spaces because I thought vultures would see me and try to eat me alive!
This is not my belief, but me brother used to believe there was a bird in the front of the car and that was what made the sound of the horn, DIDN'T HE THINK HE WOULD EVENTUALLY SEE IT???
I totally freaked out when my mother first showed me a peacock. Apparantly I confused the Dutch word of peacock 'paauw' with the imitation of a firing gun: pauw!
My mother has never seen me that scared ever since.
when i was little i used to think e could hatch eggs. so..... me and my sister got an egg and put it in a sock waiting for it to hatch! one day we thought the baby chick (supposedly inside the egg) got bored.. so we picked up the sock and started flinging it around in the air! we almost cried when we had "killed" our baby chick (or so we thought.. it really just cracked open)
top belief!
My dad used to tell me that when I stuck my arm out the car window, huge birds would come by and eat my arm. To this day I am terrified to put my hand outside a moving car.
top belief!
when i was younger i asked my cousin why the birds stood on the pilons and the power cables. he told me that they were charging their batteries so they could fly again.
it makes sense!
I used to think all birds pooped on people that were being bad because a bird pooped on my dad one day and my mom said he has been bad latly
I live in S.A and we have these beautiful Hoopeo birds. When i was young i had this fascination with them, i always tried to catch them and keep them as my pets, my mum obviously thought that it was a terrible idea so she told me that they excrete this distgusting oil that would make my hands stink forever, until now at the age of 16 i found out that she was talking absolute rubbish.
I used to believe that birds lived in their nests all the time, it came as a surprise when my mom pointed out this fallacy to me well into adulthood, "What! You mean birds just stand around in the trees all night?" Kinda creeps me out now.
My mother and aunt always told us that if you pouted and stuck out your lower lip, that the great bird of paradise would land on your nose and leave droppings on your lip.
this is not me but a friend of mine: I think she got it when she was little. she thinks that ostriches would come and peck her eyes out whenever she saw them. she still thinks that.
I thought that sparrows were young pigeons.
My younger sister was seven and she was colouring in a picture I had drawn when she asked me if you could have brown birds, to which I replied "yes" of course. Then she said "oh yeah - in Pakistan".
when i was younger i wanted a pet but we werent allowed so my older brother told me that if you get an egg and wrap it in a warm towel or keep it warm using your body heat then it will turn into a chick. i fink he said to hold it for like a whole day or something. during this time i wanted to check if th chick was actually growin so i cracked it to see if ther was a lil chick fetus thing there and when there wasnt i started all over again. ya i tried for AGES and needless to say there was no chick. :(
top belief!
When I was about five years old, I finally discovered what eggs were: the things baby chickens came out of. From that point on, I was obsessed with finding a baby chicken. Every morning, I'd sneak into the kitchen and pull an egg out of the fridge. Then I'd carry it outside and throw it as hard as I could into the street, and I'd run out to see if a baby chicken was part of the wreckage. I never found one that way, so I figured I was doing something wrong. Around that time, my parents had explained to me about seeds growing into trees, so I got the brilliant idea to bury an egg and allow for the baby chicken to grow out of it like a seedling. Before I buried it in my front yard, I took off one of my socks and wrapped it around the egg, lest the chick get cold. We moved from that house about a week later, so for a few years afterward, I always wondered if the baby chicken had grown out of the ground, and if the neighbors were taking care of it for me.
top belief!
I never looked too closely at birds. I used to assume that when they landed, their wings disappeared, even though they really just fold up onto the body. I assumed that they grew back when the bird took off.
top belief!
I once asked my mother how it was that chickens could continue to run around after their heads had been cut off. Instead of simply saying she didn't know, she fooled me into thinking that it was because they had brains in their toes. It wasn't until years later when I told my friends (who rolled around for ages in fits of laughter) that I realised how ridiculous this was.
One day when I was 3 or 4 I was at my granny's house and we were out side. I heard a bird singing and it kinda sounded like it was saying something. My granny told me it was saying "pretty girl" , and that it was talking to me. I thought it really was until I was about 8 or 9
top belief!
I used to think that turkeys were male chickens. Don't know why, but I did.
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