i used to believe

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Up until the age of six, i sadly did not know that birds had feet.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that this metal ball on the top of an electric pole was a bird that froze on top of the pole during the winter months. As summer came, I saw the same thing, and wonder why it didn't move.

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When I was 4, I had a bad dream that big mean owls stole my pretzels and ate them. So whenever I went camping and was eating, I would hunch over my food to make sure the owls didn't steal my food.

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Half my life I used to believe that humming birds didn't have feet. I felt really sorry for them, because I thought they were doomed to spend their entire lives hovering. Then one time I saw a humming bird by our feeder I started crying because I had seen birds LAND on it. My mom came in saw me crying and told me the truth.

Stormy age 13
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Well this fourth grader at my school was begging for a chicken egg from my coop. I ask if he had an incubator, he said he would leave it in the sun. I said okay.......and you need water so the embreyo doesnt dry up, he said he had a pool in his yard.....-_-

lolo AKA lauren at 13 yrs
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Well, my friend who is also 13 still believes if you put a chicken egg in the ground a chick will grow, me: ???. I said ur not using MY chicken eggs, because i have a coop of chickens in which by the way are almost better than dogs!

lolo AKA lauren at 13 yrs
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One time in the city when I was a little kid, my mom was looking for a parking place. I pointed to one, not understanding the no parking sign. She said she couldn't because it was illegal, and I misheard her. I thought she said something about eagles, and from then to about five years later, I thought eagles were banned from cities.

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I used to believe that when my daddy went to a turkey shoot that he actually shot at live turkeys! He kept asking me to go with him and try shooting one of his rifles but I wouldn't because I didn't want to kill a bird! When I was about 10, I finally went with him and was surprised to find out that he shot at targets...not live turkeys. I took a shot with his 22 and actually won a turkey, ok a gift certificate to get a turkey at the local grocery store.

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One of my friends told me that when she was little she asked her mother where chicks came from. Her mother told her that the cockerel 'saw' to the chicken's egg and a chick was the result.

She told me that for years she had envisaged a cockerel staring intently at a fully formed egg until a baby chick hatched.

Katie Fox
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My Mom would explain large gatherings of birds on the telephone wires as "they are having church service - they are just waiting for their pastor to show up"
I always felt sorry for the birds, because sometimes they would still be sitting there when we were on the way home from our church - and that had been unbearably long for me...imagine those poor things having to sit there even longer.
I was always wondering which one was the pastor - i would have thrown a rock at it...

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I used to believe that dumplings were made from baby ducks.

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I used to believe that those little sparrows that hung out with the pigeons were baby pigeons! Meanwhile, baby pigeons can't fly (they stay in the nest until they spread their wings) which is why we never see them.

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I used to believe that when if I stood outside for too long in one spot and there was a bird flying overhead that it woudl poop on my head.

Chunky Farts
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When I was really little, geese would sometimes fly by my house. They were very loud and only flew at like, 6 in the morning, so everyone would wake up and watch them. I would always point out the window and say, "look at the gooses!" and my mother would correct me, "not gooses, a goose and some geese". When I went to school a while later and the teacher read a story about a goose, I raised my hand and told her, "it's not a goose, it's a goose and some geese."

A shoop and some sheep
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At lunch in Kindergarten, every time chicken was served, I would save the bones from the drumsticks and put them in a special spot in my backpack. I thought that if I planted the bones in the ground, chickens would grow!

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I used to believe that if I took the eggs from the egg carton that my mother would purchase from the market and drew faces on them, a little chick would appear and look exactly like what I drew on its shell.

I put four eggs underneath the sofa a few hours before we were going for vacation. We came back two weeks later and my mother found the four eggs underneath the sofa while cleaning. I scolded her and screamed that she killed them, because they were broken (I put them underneath a book on top of the heater so that they'd be warm). I told her that it was her fault that she'd never have grandchildren and that I was going to call 911 and report her for murder. I never forgave her since.

Oh, and I did call 911. They came to my house and my brother made up some lie so that they'd leave. It didn't really work out quite well.

Fool :)
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Up until I was arount 15 I always thought the red bit on a seguls beak was ketchup from the fish and chips people had been feeding them

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I used to believe, if I put one of the eggs from the fridge my mum got from the supermarket, into our airing cupboard, it would hatch into a chick... I would check it everyday for it's progress

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i used 2 think ostriches didnt have wings

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