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Actually my niece. The first time she a penquin she took what she had in her available lexicon and came up with "Cowduck". Pretty smart for a 2 year old

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I thought birds grew from bird seed.

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My husband had received his first BB gun for Christmas one year and decided to go hunting. He was so thrilled to bring home a bird. When asked why he was so excited he told his parents "I did it, I shot him right in the pecker". After they finished laughing, his father explained that he shot the bird's BEAK.

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Back in the day when it was safe to walk home from kindergarten by yourself, my mom had one rule: that we cross the street holding the teacher's hand.

So one day, I didn't wait for the teacher and ran across the street. When I got home, my mom asked me why I didn't cross the street with the teacher. I was perplexed as to how she knew. When I asked, she replied that a little bird told her (she used to run up an alley to the school, watch us cross the street and run home).

For the next couple of years I was convinced that my mom talked to birds. I was very careful to make sure none were around if I were breaking rules!

Ricky B.
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I used to believe that birds had special boots that protected them from the electricity when they stand on high wires

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I believed our budge could not only speak English but also read. I would write him notes with little instructions on. When he didn't follow the instructions, I assumed he was just being bloody-minded.

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You know how when you drive down the street, birds fly right in front of your windshield?
Well, when I was little I used to think the birds were all sitting in a tree, daring each other who fly closest to the cars going by without getting hit.

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when I was little I was afraid of flies until mom told me they were baby birds!

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When I was small I thought that birds must be made from electricity! How else could they stand on the power cables?
It took me 5 years before figure out the physics behind it!

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When I was little I used to believe seagulls were called 'seagirls' and no matter how hard my mum tried to get me to say seagulls, I always replied 'Yes, SEAGIRLS! That's what I said!'.

It was only until years later when i saw it written down that I realised! D'oh!

Kate L
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One night when I was really young we were driving home
from my grandmothers when I notices the blinking red lights
on the radio towers along the highway. Confused about how there
were so many red lights up there and there were no buildings my
mother *probably to shut me up* told me they were sleeping birds.
I then went through a number of years where I thought that birds
would glow red when they slept. I thought the blinking was rythmic
with their breathing.

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My mother told me that the first sound of a morning was the birds tweeting and farting in the trees as they woke up to start the day. I was always trying to wake up early enough to hear them as I had never heard a bird fart.

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my best friend once told me that birds didnt get electrocuted when they sat on pylons because they hopped from foot to foot very quikly.

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As a kid, my mom told me that chicken eggs from the supermarket wouldn't hatch because they needed to be "fertilized" -- for a shamefully long time, I thought this meant that the farmer went into the henhouse with a bucket of fertilizer (like the stuff my dad put on the lawn) and sprinkled it over the eggs.

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I once saw an illustration of bird flight in a book and for a long time I thought there were separate breeds of geese called 'upstroke' and 'downstroke'.

Mike B. London
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When I was a kid I used to think that lesser spotted birds were one that were few in number. I thought if not many bird watchers saw a particular type of bird it was referred to as lesser spotted!

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I used to believe that boneless chicken were really raised. I imagined that this kind couldn't fly as they do not have bones.

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When I was young I thought birds were going to "bird school" when they sat in groups on the telephone lines. On Sundays, they were in "bird church." I still am reminded of that when I see them today, and I'm a senior citizen.

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When I was little, the grocery store we shopped at had a large tree out in front, always covered with funny looking animals on the limbs. I don't know WHY, but for some reason, my Dad thought it was funny to tell me those were called "golly-whoppers". I believed him, until a friend of mine from grade school went with us one day to the store (MUCH LATER)...and I showed her the golly-whoppers! My Dad was in the car and had a great laugh. He had forgotten to tell me the truth...in fact, they were chickens.

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My brother and I used to fight over the chicken legs whenever my mom would cook it, so she would always buy an extra package of legs when she bought a whole chicken. She and my brother had me convinced that all this had come from a six-legged racing chicken.

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