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cats and dogs

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after i saw the first doctor doolittle movie i thought i could talk to animals so i would just get in front of my dog goose and just start talking and he would look at me and i was convinced that he was listing to every word i said

animal kid
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My mom used to tell me that all cats had a devils hair at the end of their tails, thats why we couldnt have one. Now im all grown up and she has a cat of her own that she spoils rotten.

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When I was growing up, I always wanted a German Shepard dog. My Mother told me we couldn 't have one because no one in our family spoke German so the dog wouldn't be able to understand us, and we wouldn't know when he was hungry or had to go outside...

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I used to believe that I could become a cat if I tried really hard. I would crawl on the floor like a cat and meow like a cat. Since I meowed so much, I would actually answer someone's question with a meow on accident. This went on for awhile, until fourth grade, when the teacher asked me a question and front of the class and I meowed.

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Since there was no explanation given for why cats became pregnant, I concluded that it was just something that happened - no real cause.

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i used to believe that dogs were made from dogwood trees

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I used to believe that all garbage bags on the side of the road were filled with kittens that people had thrown away. I think it originated from a Tom & Jerry cartoon. I would cry and beg my mom to stop and pick up the bags but I wouldn't tell her why. I thought she would refuse because we already had 2 cats. It was torture on road trips but mom just thought I was environmentally conscious.

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I used to belive that if a dog licked you on the mouth and his slobber got in your mouth that you would die..then again that was when i was like 5.

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When I was about 6 my babysitter was telling me about this other girl she babysat for and didn't really like. She said "She's got this kitten that she goes on and on about. She thinks the sun shines out of that cat's bottom". I had never heard that phrase before and was amazed that someone my age could really believe that about a cat. Oh dear, looks like I was the stupid one...

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When I was about 8 I was convinced that my dog possessed the ability to speak but I had to teach him the words first. I spent many afternoons trying to get him to say something but to no avail.

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I used to beleive that when a dog cought up with the cat, he would eat him!!!!!

dogs dont eat cats
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My mother recently told me that I believed our dog was highly intelligent and mimicked human behavior. I thought this because oftentimes when I was sitting on the floor playing, he would come up behind me, rear up on his hind paws, and drape his front legs over my shoulders. I thought he was hugging me as an expression of his affection and had learned this from watching us. I don't think an explanation is needed as to what he was actually doing... Lord only knows how my mother didn't laugh in my face when I proudly informed her the dog had hugged me again!

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My father used to bathe our dog in the bathtub. When it was time for me to take a bath, he would tell me not to stay in the tub too long because I might get pregnant with puppies. Yep, as a child I believed him.

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I used to think if a cat were to eat dog food, it would make it bark. If a dog ate cat food, it would make it meow. I used to sneak a taste of dog food once in a while (it was good). My parents told me if I ate that stuff, I would turn into a dog. If I ate cat food... well, you know.

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When I was younger, I believed that my dog Sasha(a Basenji) was an alien. She didn't bark like other dogs and her tail was curly. I thought that didn't bark because she could actually talk and that her tail would unroll and become like an antenna so she could talk to the other alien dogs. Everytime we left the house she would go under the porch. I thought she had a computer and radio's under there to talk to her species. Haha... I once crawled all the way under to see if there was anything. When the movie Cats & Dogs came out, I was an adult, but I thought maybe instead of an alien, all this time she was a secret angent. Haha... I still kinda wonder sometimes... She's way past the point that most dogs die.

Scared of my alien/agent dog who won't die.
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When my daughter was 3, she saw a cat using a litter box. She thought it was building a sand castle.

Debbie the Bad Swimmer
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I used to think dogs had jobs, their own cars, went shopping for groceries..and to the bank on their own..we never saw them do this, because we were in school, during these times..I watched Snoopy as a child..

Kristina DiGiovanni
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I was about two or three, but I vaguely remember we had a yard full of cats. I remember walking among them and wondering where all these things were coming from. I thought they dropped out of sky one by one.

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I used to think that when I slept with a cat it would keep all the bad ghosts away.

I still think that!

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When I was about five years old I had a small plastic jack russel terrier with a green collar on(I still have it lol)And our neighbors had a jack russel totally identical green collar and all! And I only saw him when we left to go somewhere or when we came back from where ever we went(they were our nearest neighbors and since we live in a rural area they were about a quarter of a mile away)And I always thought that my plastic dog and their real dog were the same dog!I thought that when we went somewhere he became real and rushed over to their house and sat and waited for us.I was scared to death of my toy dog and when ever I went to bed I would just stare at him sitting on the bookshelf with my other toy dogs(I had alot more than one lol)terrified.And one morning when I woke up he was sitting on the night stand staring at me(I didn't know it at the time but my mom knew how dreadfully afraid I was of the thing and she put him there for mean-ness)I immediately started sobbing and ran to mom she told me that she put him there and I could have killed her.Then she said"Go and get him and I'll show you that rufus(my plastic dog) and sparky(neighbor's real dog) are not the same dog!".So I went and got him and my mom drove me up to the neighbor's house and their dog was sitting in his kennel and my plastic dog was still in my hands.I'm 12 now and still have that toy dog some where in my closet lol.

scared of jack russels
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