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cats and dogs

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When I was 4 or 5, we had a dog named cinnamon. She had been sent to a friend`s for awhile because we wanted some puppies.Well, my mom made some really delicious cookies and I asked what they were flavoured with. I, not knowing where cinnamon was, was mortified when mommy said "Cinnamon."

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When I was a kid some boy told me that if you threw a towel over your dog and talked to it, he'll repeat your words. Needless to say I found out the hard way what he told me wasn't really true.

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Years ago, before my grandparent's dog, Rufus, was neutered, he was pretty frisky. One day, when my sister was about ten years old, she was playing with Rufus when he all of a sudden started getting "jiggy" with her leg. Since she didn't know that facts of life, she just told Dad "Daddy, Rufus wants to rumba!"

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My sister used to believe that dried white dog poo was a natural type of chalk.

Avonmouth Wendy
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My old neighboor (when I still lived in Kaneohe) owned 2 dogs, 1 of which, I took a great liking to.

Well, I was convinced that if I make a "woof" sound, and thought of that I wanted to say, then the dog (Keiko) could understand what I was telling her.

LEX37 Designs
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When I was little we got a kitten, and we couldn't decide on the name so my dads friend picked him up and looked at his belly then said "His name is Timon then". I was only three and was amazed by how he knew this, my dads friend then told me that all cats have their names on their bellies written in a secret cat language. I realised not to long ago that he was asscertaining the sex of the cat.

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I've lived out in the country my whole life. I did not believe that cats and dogs were the same species, since I'd had a lot of exposior to both species from an early age. My more odd beliefs deal with the "cousins" of the dogs.
When I first learned of the existance of foxes (or, at least, my first memories of them), I thought that they were the offspring of cats and dogs. I also remember believing that coyotes were the offspring of wolves and foxes. This was likely inspired by the fact that our nearest neighbors bred and sold (and still do, actually) wolf-dogs.
I also used to believe that coyotes and wolves howled at nightfall to tell everyone that it was time to go to bed. This is something my great grandpa told me when I asked why there was always a wolf or coyote howl whenever it was night in a movie or cartoon. I was about 5 or 6 at the time..
When I was older (about 8 or 9), my great grandpa told me that the real reason they howl is because they're lonely and we started howling back to them on some nights. Most of the time they'd return our simple howls with simple howls of their own for a few minutes. I'm 25 now (my great grandpa died when I was 10) and I've got my own house a couple of miles down the road from my folks' place. I still howl back to the coyotes (though more from habit than belief in so many lonely coyotes out ther int the darkness) and they're still humoring me for a few minutes on those nights.

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The children in my husbands family were fascinated by dogs since they had none while growing up, so his parents told them that if they watched a dog while he was "doing his business" they would get pink eye! To this day, my husband still gets nervous if he sees our dogs going to the bathroom.

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I used to believe that If you dont talk to your dog it doesnt learn how to bark until my mum asked why I was talking to the dog :s

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When my second cousin was younger my grandfather used to sit on the lid of the toilet and put the shaggy rug by the sink over his knee. He then used to open the door a crack and call my cousin and his sisters over to pet the carpet, calling it the 'dog', to see if they would actually believe him. His older sisters didn't fall for it, but for about three years he thought my grandpa had a shaggy white dog that lived in his bathroom that only came out when my grandpa called it.

Years later at my grandpa's funeral my cousin told the story as part of his eulogy-the priests were actually laughing hysterically.

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When I was little I some how got the idea that cats only pooed and did not do any weeing. When I told my mum that cats could not urinate, she though it was funny and told me that it was totally wrong that cats do not wee and if a cat could not do a wee, they will eventually burst into a big gross explosion of urine, blood and guts.

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A cousin was at my house one day to see our two cats. She said that she wanted a cat. I told her that if they had babies, we would give her one. She told me,"Two girl cats can't have babies!" I thought they were just like on Jurassic Park, where the dinosaurs changed sexes and had babies!

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When I was little, our cat had kittens, which she kept for a while in a cardboard box that we provided for her. Since I heard the kittens collectively called a litter of kittens, I called the box a litter box. Several people laughed at me at the time for that, and I had no idea why. Later when I learned what a litter box is, I found it very curious that cats have litters of kittens, but a litter box is what cats poo in. In fact, I STILL find it curious.

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One day when i was 5 or 6 i was hangin out at my grandpa's house, being so young and not really knowing about baldness i ask him "what happened to your hair?"...He told me that the dog ate it, "THE DOG?" i said "HE ATE IT???". "yup" grampa said.. needless to say i never looked at that dog. Even today. all i can picture is Duke chewin on grandpa's hair!

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i used to beleive that my dog was made of cheese because she was that cheese color and i tried to dip her in fondue and eat her.

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top belief!

When I being Potty Trained we had two cats, Achllies and Troy. Well, one day I went outside and pulled off my training pants and started going poop. I thought I was a cat I guess, because when my mom saw me and sked what I was doing I responded, "Kitties poop outside!"
My mom hates it, but the rest of my family loves telling it and I always tease her about hating it.
I also would kiss the oldest, Achillies, goodnight cause I thought he was my Grampa.

Margaret, 12
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I used to think that girl dogs were called meters and male dogs were called ometers because that's what my parents called them. Turns out that they made up those silly names for dogs while they were dating and it kind of stuck. Problem was, I didn't know it wasn't a slang word for dog ... like pooch or mutt. Had something to do with O'Cedar Mops commercial or something. LOL!

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When I was very little, my parents told me that cats didn't like water. I thought that this meant they didn't even drink water. So I was surprised when I saw Drummer, our cat at the time, drinking some water from his food/water dish.

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I used to believe that dogs and cats could make babies together !!

Manon (4°)
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when I was 4, I used to believe I was a dog.

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