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cats and dogs

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I thought that the saying about cats having nine lives was literally true. I have a weird memory of going outside as a kid and seeing one of our cats choking on something. When I showed concern, my dad just said after he chokes to death he will come back to life and be good as new. I'm pretty sure he was really just choking up a hairball or something but I misheard it and, due to my belief, didn' think to question it.

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I used to believe "mixed breeds" of dogs were made by two dogs being put in a blender

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I used to believe that cat tails were at least 15 inches long and that normal cats with short tail were weird.

Azure Autumns
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For some reason, when I was eight, I had the ludicrous idea that it was impolite to say, "Oh dear" within the vicinity of a cat because I thought it would make the cat sad.
I guess I thought cats were very sensitive and would mistakenly think you were saying, "Oh dear" about them or something.

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I have always had cats, and as a kid, I thought the cat sitter was someone e who actually stayed at your house with the cat, like a babysitter.with kids, instead of just coming in to feed them once a day!

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As a child I believed that cats, when they died, became owls and always accompanied you.

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When I learnt that it was possible to be allergic to cats, I thought some cats were allergic to themselves. When I learnt that wasn't true, I thought it was impossible for a cat to have any allergies at all.

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I read a story about a girl who loved butterflies, then she disappeared and it was implied that she turned into one.
My favourite animal was cats, and I was worried I was gonna turn into a cat.

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I looked on a website about cats and it said that a female cat who wasn't nursing or pregnant was called a "molly" (one who was was a "queen").
So when somebody on Yahoo Answers was asking if molly could be smoked, I thought they were wondering if they could smoke a cat and wondered how that was possible.

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I overheard my grandfather ask, "Who owns the media in New Zealand?" but I thought he was saying, "Amelia". Amelia is his cat, and we live in New Zealand, so I was like, "You do!".

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When we first got our cat, he was a claw and tooth ninja. I was also seven years old and going through the "pants are unnecessary" phase. So my mum tried to get me to wear pants by calling them "cat protectors", but I was worried that they'd make him run away.

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I thought dogs only peed on people in America! The reason for this is because there's a Garfield movie where they are visiting somewhere (I think Britain) and Odie plans to pee on somebody, but Garfield says, "Don't do the ugly American thing!".

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I used to believe all deer were girls, and all moose were boys.

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So, we had a dog named Rodin when I was a kid, and he was doing well until he got cancer. The only reason I didn’t kiss him goodbye before he was put down, was because I though cancer was contagious and didn’t want to contract it.

I had the IQ of a toothbrush. 😞

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I read a book about a cat that had to turn into a lion and leave. It was around the same time as we got our cat and I was worried that our cat would turn into a lion.

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When we first got our cat, I thought of all kinds of things. I tried to put clothes on him and couldn't understand why he didn't like it, I sometimes worried that he'd get replaced with an impostor, and because his name's ElDorado, when my dad's friend Marcus said that he thought "his ElDorado" (his wish) was a fine meal with friends, I freaked out because I thought he wanted to eat the cat!

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when i was younger , i used to think all dogs were mean .

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When I was younger, I used to think my dog was a spy and he tolded all my secrets to my mom.

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When I was about 3 I had this dream that dogs could talk. So one day I was visiting my extended family on my mother's side (some of them have dogs) and I tried to talk to them, but was wondering why the dogs weren't talking. When I was about 6 my younger sister (2 years younger) convinced me that eating dog food could turn you into a dog. I wanted to be a dog so I ate some of my grandma's dog's dog food. I'm 14 now and I still laugh about it today,

Hanjax 70
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I used to think that my female cat wanted to be a human man. I used to say that she had 'a mannish look about her'. I have no idea why.

Weird person
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