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cats and dogs

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When my daughter was an infant, my stepmother-in-law warned me, "don't let the cat near the baby...cats will put their mouth on a baby's and suck the life out of them." She was completely serious.

new mom with a cat
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My brother used to believe when our dog was getting fat that she was going to pop. He Cried!

A very Ashamed Brother
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i used to think that if i ate some dog food, i would turn into a dog! i must of rreally wanted to be a dog, cause i loved to eat the biscut treats!

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I used to read those Animorphs books when I was little. The characters in my books to morph into different animals they touched. I used to believe that my cats were really people, so when they came into my bathroom (while I was going) and when i was changing in my room it would always bother me and i would tell them to get out stop staring at me. I stopped believing this but it still creeps me out when they stare at me like that...

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I used to belive cats and dogs had their own language like english but they wouldn't talk around any humans.
So I used to crawl around the backyard trying to get my two cats to trust me to keep there talking ability a secret, so i they could talk to me.
I think I watched to much talking cat and dog movies.

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When I was little we had a female rottweiler that my parents were breeding, but they told me that when she had puppies it was because they gave her a special kind of dog food. Guess I was still too young for the bird and the bees talk.

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Well when i was a kid to like my 10-12 i thought that all the animals were able to talk but that it was forbidden for them to talk infront of us or that we just weren't able to hear them.And each time my cat and my dog were together in a room alone,i was spying them to see if the y were going to talk,but all that i could see was my cat hitting my dog on the nose and leaving,which then made me believe that they were talking and having a coupple fight or something.

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When I was little, my male cat was... huge. One day a friend and I decided that he was in labor and spent the entire day trying to help him give birth to kittens.

Of course, we also had to prove that he was, in fact, a girl. So we felt around his stomach and found nipples... Proof enough for us.

We decided that the babies had died inside of him when he hadn't given birth. For a weeks we called him a "she" and were very sad about his kittens dying.

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My mum told me it was 'bad' for the cats if I touched them (i.e. pulled their tails and generally hassled them) when they were eating. I was in my 20's before I suddenly realised that it was not going to make my cat ill if I stroked him while he was eating!

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When I was yournger(5) , I thought that my cat's (named Midnight) penis would wrap around the door at night, because my parents had trichadingiaphobia, ( fear of being locked insided )and told me so to make sure that I feel assured. I believed this until I was 14. Now that I think about it, something like that could never happen. My cat was a girl.

Michael Jones
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I was six years old. While my grandfather and uncle were having an argument about money, just then their elderly dachshund yawned, making a noise that sounded like the word "money." All conversation stopped, and everyone stared at the dog. Finally my grandmother commented, "That dog is getting more human every day." This led me to belive that dogs tuned into people as they got old.

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When I was young, my grandmother told me that dogs attracted lightning. It was her way of keeping wet dogs off the front porch. I believed this for years, it almost seems plausible now.

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When I was younger, I knew how male cats and dogs were neutered. However, I couldn't think of how they spayed female cats and dogs.

Being a girl myself, I knew girls had vaginas and boobs, I though female animals had them too, I knew that they couldn't cut off someones vagina, so I though that when a female animal was spayed, they just cut off its boobs.

I wondered what boobs had to do with reproduction..but it made more sense to me at the time.

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I used to think I was part cat because I always crawl up the steps on all fours. I would always imitate my cat's meows and curl up into a ball on the couch when I was tired. I stopped acting like a cat but I still crawl up the stairs everyday. (I'm 14)

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when i was about 4 i thought if u got licked by a dog u would turn into one. so i thought if someone had a dog it was one of their family members that had got licked by a dog. lol

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I visited my grandparents house for a few days by myself when I was young. My unkle lived with them they had three cats between them a black one (Roo) a gray one (phido) and a calico (AC-DC) anyway, I thought that my relatives had the ability to turn into their cats. I thought my grandma turned into the black one. My grandpa turned into the gray one. And my unkle turned into the calico. I thought that when I got older I would get a cat of my own that I could turn into. I'd seen the cats and the people in the same room and I knew it wasn't reality but I still thought it would be neat if it were true and I remember keeping secrets from the cats as though they were the relatives.

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I used to believe that cats were so allergic to water, that it would likely kill them. It turns out that my folks discovered my brother and I giving the kittens a bath. Fearing that we would drown them, they told us that getting the kitties wet could kill them. It worked. I believed my folks. Then, a couple of years later I saw a cat running outside in the rain...

Kevin Clark
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When I was little, I used to believe that my pets were actually robots who were spies for my mom. Whenever I did stupid stuff, I would bribe them so they wouldn't tell on me.

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I used to beleive that when people say "its raining cats and dogs," i really thought that pets would be falling out of the sky.

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Until age eleven, I thought that all baby poodles were pink and fluffy, and that when they got older, they turned white and 'curly'.

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