cats and dogs
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When I was 7 I believed that when I got very old I would turn into a cat---being a woman. When men got very old I thought they would turn into dogs!
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I used to believe that my mother's cat, which was white with big black spots, got that way because she drank cow's milk when she was a kitten instead of her mother's milk. Nobody understood why I kept calling her our "cow cat."
When we were little our parents got us a dog, a big German Shepherd. It was kinda mean and ended up biting our babysitter, so my mom took it back to the pound. When she got home she told us a police officer came into the pound looking for a police dog, and he adopted Pepper. I actually believed this until I was age 15 when I finally realized she was just trying to make us feel better!
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My dad told me that Dalmation dogs were called 'Damnations', I really thought they were until I was about 9.
I alwaysused to think white cats were girls, and black cats were male ...
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I used to believe that a cat's butt hole was on the tip of his tail.
I used to believe I could milk dogs like the cows. This was because I saw a nurse milk his cow.
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When I was around 6 I was getting a lift home from my grandparents. My granny and one of her cats was at the window and I could have sworn the cat waved at me! I was 16 before they managed to convince me that it was my granny shaking the cat's paw. I was so disappointed.
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I used to believe my cat was a spy and he spied on me. I thought he told God about what I did.
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I used to believe in the night my dog transformed in a wolf and ate the animals of my neighbourhood.
when i was little i used to pull my cats eyes open when he was asleep. i was fascinated at the thought that he rolled his eyes back in his head. my dad saw me do it one day and explained that cats have nictating membranes.
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I'm sure just about everyone is familiar with the phrase "it's a dog eat dog world". Well, I had always heard this when I was younger in movies and on televsion, but I had heard it as: it's a doggy dog world. Please take into consideration the fact that I was fairly young. Obviously, when I heard this time and time again, it made no sense. I spent years trying to figure out what a doggy dog world was. It wasn't until they came out with a televison show called Dog Eat Dog that I finally realized my mistake-at 14 years old! That embarrassed me, but luckily I, myself, had never used this phrase in every day conversation. So, I finally understood the phrase Dog Eat made much more sense than doggy dog! However, my family still doesn't let me forget it! My mother even custom made me a t-shirt with a picture of a black lab that says: "It's a Doggy Dog World"!
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When my sister was 5, my mother gave each of us kids a Siamese kitten. Knowing that my sister was a) a potty-mouth and b) completely naive about pets, I managed to convince her that Siamese cats learned to say a few words as they grew up, and warned her never to swear around the kittens for fear they'd start doing it too.
I thought she would believe me for a week at most, but the kittens became cats before they ever heard a dirty word from her.
When I was around 4-5 years, I was looking out the window at our driveway, and I could have sworn that I saw a cat transform into a lion right before my eyes.
when i was about 4 i sat on my cat thinkin it was a baby lion i belived this until i was 6 or somthin......dumb!!
According to my mom, whenever I saw a stray dog in the street I would ask where its parents were.
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My dad told me "Hush Puppie" shoes were made from Basset Hound ears.
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I used to believe that dogs were the daddies in the family, cats were the mommies and cute little mice were the babies and youngsters. Used to imagine doggy dads with pipes reading the newspapers, mummy cats in aprons wielding a spatula and mice sitting around playing monopoly. :P
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When I was about 4 or 5 and I saw my cat, Baby, taking a nap, I would stare at her and convince myself that she had died. I would then walk up to my "dead" cat and pet her on the head and whisper 'goodbye, Baby' without trying to tear up and stay strong. I would then rejoice and be in complete awe when she woke up. It took me a while to realize that Baby really was just sleeping and now that I'm 16 and still have the same cat, I sometimes pet her while she's sleeping just to make sure she's going to wake up.
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When I was about 4-5 years old, I put some pussy willows behind the warm wood stove.
When my mom found them she asked why I put them there.
I said I beleived the pussy willows would hatch into kittens. I wanted one really bad.
My mom did get me one. A kitten that is
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