i used to believe

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cats and dogs

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I was at my best friends house and her male dog sat in front of us and his wiener came out and I freeked out and was like, what was that??!! So we started poking at it with sticks. We thought her dogs winky waw a giant worm monster living in his stomach.

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When I was in 3rd grade I secretly thought that my cat was a boy in my class that I kinda liked. Since I had never seen my cat and the boy together i never really knew. I always pushed my cat out of my room when I was getting dressed or going to the bathroom. This lasted years.

Bewitched pet
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I used to think that my cat was an alien that had come to teach me how to be good!

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I used to think that my dogs and cats were really spies for my parents, and might be perverted, so I would never undress in front of them; I would kick them out of my room.

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When i was a kid i saw two dogs doing 'it' and i asked my mom what was happening and she said "the doggie in front is hurt and the doggie in the back is pushing it to safety!" i beleived that for a long time.

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I used to believe that kittens came from pussy willows.

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I used to believe that u would blow on a puppy and it would fart

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Okay this is kinda two beleifs in one. When I was young, I used to watch "Tom and Jerry". My aunt had this cat and a hamster. I asked her where her hamster's tail was and she told me that he was being a bad little mouse and Santa Claus ran out of coal for him, so he put de-tailer in his chocolate. (I think she was making fun of me)So I took her cat and her hamster and put them in the same room, and was absolutely amazed when Tom caught Jerry. (the good thing was that my aunt caught Tom before he could eat Jerry, and I was punished)

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When I was young, I had this golden retreiver, and every day I would go outside to play with her. When we would play, I'd pretend that I was her date to a formal dance and say, "may I have this dance?" She'd give me her paw, and then we'd dance. I seriously thought that my dog understood what I was saying, and was one excellent dancer.

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When I was really little I thought if I mimicked my cat's meows well enough, that I would learn how to talk "cat".

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When I was 5, I thought cats were spawned from moss, since moss was so soft. Made sense to me.

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I used to be scared when seeing a mother dog biting the neck of her puppies, I thought she was eating them!!!!!! My mother told me this was not the case while i was in hospital getting a tetnis shot, i had tried to rescue the puppies!!!!!!!

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i used to think that my puppy was a toy boat and almost drown him!

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I used to believe when dogs bark and cat meow they are talking to each other

frogg gurl
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top belief!

I used to and sometimes still think, that there was people inside my dogs. That since the begining of time people hid themselves in dog outfits, I was of-course never afraid to change in front of them because all my dogs were girls, then I got a boy dog. he ran away. This theory was destroyed when my dog had puppies.

Remember Bird brain and Mousy mouth? Well I'm doggy ditz.
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One time our cat Buffy was up on our roof. I was only 4 and my brother and sister were 5 and 8. When we saw him we thought for sure he was stuck up there and couldn't get down. Our mom wasn't concerned when we told her but we were so worried we got a wagon out and layed some blankets in it. We lined this up underneath the garage and stood there yelling for Buffy to jump down. After 10 minutes of Buffy just siting there he casually strolled over to a tree next to the garage and climbed down it. We just kinda looked at each other and went "Oh".

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When on holiday in Greece, I was sitting in a taverna with my family watching 2 dogs opposite getting very frisky. I said loudly to my parents: "Look, that dog's giving the other one a piggyback". Of course, that wasn't what they were doing at all . . . ;)

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when i got my first puppy it was a boy when it got a bit older i was playing with it and notised it had a lump inbetween its back legs i thort it was like a cancer lump type thing so i told my mum and dad they just said the dog would b fine and i was upset when they diddent do anything about it but when i got older i realised it was his balls. LOL.

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top belief!

I thought that snakes were afraid of domestic cats. I came to believe this because I was irrationally afraid of snakes, so to placate me my mom told me two white lies: a) there are no poisonous snakes in Delaware & b) snakes are afraid of cats... so Ralph, our yellow tabby, would protect me if any showed up in Delaware.

Liz Reed
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Onw time i saw this dog and it had hair around its neck that looked like a mane,s o i told my neighbor who was younger than me that it was a lion and he ran inside crying, that ws like 6 years ago and when ever i think about it, i almost piss myself i laugh so hard

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