cats and dogs
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I used to strongly believe that if a person hit their dog in anger the place where the dog had been hit would later turn into a tumor.
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My son used to call Dalmatians - at the age of thirty-three still does call them, in fact - Raisin Dogs. It was only recently that I asked him why: he had believed that they were made of flour, with raisins stuck in them.
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i used to believe that cats purred with their whiskers. i know now its not true, but i still have no idea how they do it.
When I was a child I asked my mom how did female cats get pregnant.She told me the male cat would bite the female cat on the back of her neck.Well I believed her til about 6 months ago(i'm 28 years old) when i was watching the discovery channel.
We had this cat that would roam our neighborhood. I was told its name was "Stitches." For some reason I got it in my head that if you even touched Stitches, you would "get stitches." I don't think I even really knew what "stitches" were. I just knew they hurt. :-)
My uncle who lived in Germany told me that he had a metalic pink cat called Ernst. I used to imagine him spraying the cat with car paint.
when I was a little boy I used to think that dogs eat kets. that kets it is the only food that the dogs have...
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When I was five, I decided that cats needed haircuts just like people. I grabbed some scissors, crawled under the dining room table, and cut all of my cat's whiskers off. I wasn't allowed to used scissors for two months.
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In England we call those things in the middle and side of the road that light up at night when yout car headlights hit them "cats eyes".I asked my father how they were made and he told me that all the pussy cats in the world leave their eyes in the road to help us find our way home at night and then go and sleep behind bushes until morning.I believed that for a long , long time!
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When i was around 5 or 6 years of age, I discovered my pet poodle locked in coitus with the neighbors mutt. The were yelping and squealing and joined at the behind. I ran screaming to my mother and she told me that they were stuck together with chewing gum!!!
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i used to believe that my aunt robin drowned my dog muffin. my family lived in california and the fleas were so bad we sent muffin to live with my aunt in illiinois. when my mom told me muffin died i had dreams that my aunt tied a rock around her neck and threw her in the lake. it was actually a dog illness going around that killed her but my aunt still has the letter i wrote her at age 7 forgiving her for killing my dog.
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When I was a little girl I used to believe cats were broken because of their moter sound when they purr
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When I was around four to six years old, I thought that if you were petting an animal and didn't wash your hands before you ate something, you'd turn into that animal. I was always too scared to test this though, because I wasn't quite sure I wanted to spend the rest of my life as a cat or a dog...
I used to believe that when we went to bed at night, all the animals in our house talked to each other.
I use to think that cats only got spayed and dogs only got neutered.
Both me and my brother didn't realize that neuter meant castration till we had our dog fixed. Bit of shock for us when he got home from the vet.... well not as big of a shock as it was for the dog though.
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I used to think that my cats knew much more than humans do--regarding the meaning of life. I always thought they saw and talked to God...and knew what Heaven looked like.
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I used to believe that if you pulled an animals tail (dog or cat) it's eyes would pop out. My gram told me that to keep me from pulling on her kitties tail.
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i used to believe that dogs were born in the sky and would fall from a paracheute.
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As a kid I was always very impressed with people in Quebec who had such well trained dogs. After all, it has to be doubly difficult to teach a dog to obey commands in a foreign language such as French. I was also a bit jealous that the dogs understood more French than I did. (I was about 11 when I figured that one out.)
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As a kid, I used to believe that technology would advance rapidly and creat a machine that would enable us to watch our dogs thoughts and memories on a monitor like a movie. I was really worried my parents would find out about all the "bad" things I had done when they weren't there (but the dog was...)
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