cats and dogs
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i thought that dogs mood
top belief!
I was once convinced that I had seen a nature program on TV that stated that cats were psychic. I couldn't understand why, when I brought this up in class one day, the teacher didn't already know this...Regardless, I would think thoughts to my cat all the time to get her to come play with me and to tell her how much I loved her. Still do, a little bit...
Yep. You guessed it. As with almost everyone here, I used to believe that dogs were boys and cats were girls.
Bizarrely, I think that Tom and Jerry episodes with the bulldog in had something to do with it...
I expect there's a Clinical Psychologist out there right now just dreaming of the breakthrough reading this site could offer :-D
top belief!
When I was a little girl I used to believe that a mamma dog got her babies by going out into the woods,sniffing the trees to find the right one, then digging a hole to find her babies!
When I was little my cousins and I believed my grandmother when she said not to watch the dog poop because you could get pink eye!
I once believed, for about a day after hearing the name, that heins 57 meant the dog was 57 different breeds of dog
I used to belive I was a dog
When I was young I had a cat called Fluffy.. after a few good years she disappeared, my parents told me she'd run away with a boyfriend...
Only when I was 16 did I decide to confront them about it. I said "Mum, dad, Fluffy didn't runn away. She died didn't she?"
They told me she'd actually been sold to someone else. And I thought (and STILL think) I would have prefered if my kitty had died
top belief!
One day I hid dog treats around the back yard and I wanted my dog to go and find them. Well, he just wagged his tail and barked at me but he wouldn't go look for the treats. I tried to be helpful so I wrote "bark bark" on the ground hoping my dog would read it and know to look for the treats.
When I was about 6, we learned that I had asthma because of my allergic reaction our dog, "Cinammon." As we had to get rid of Cinammon, my parents told me they were sending her "to a farm in New Hampshire." I believed this straight through to my sophomore year in college (13 years later) . . . of course, she was put to sleep . . .
top belief!
I was a rather paranoid kid and remember convincing myself when I was quite young that my cat, Flower, was a robot and was in fact spying on me. I even tried (very gently) to pull her head off to prove it!
this one isn't for me but my friend emma! She believed that Cats are born with their eyes shut because the bodies are still processing the eyes, and also that cats are born without genitals! Don't ask me how she worked that one out!! : )
When i was little i was so scared of cats, because i taught the turned in to tigers if you saw them.
Wheni was little i taught that if you kissed a dalmation on a spot, thy would turn in to sludge! The worst tthing is that i tried it..
That cats were slaves reincarnated.(Because slaves had to work so hard and cats are sleepy and playing all the time)
top belief!
when I was little, I used to belive that if I didn't go for lots of walks with my dog, she would eventually explode.Which made it so I walked my dog everyother hour.
I used to think Alsatian dogs were called 'Old Stations'.
My little bro used to think when the family dog was in heat that she needed a tampon like the "big girls".
top belief!
I used to believe that the dog on Sesame Street was real. Can you imagine- a 6 foot tall dog? Not only that, but I even asked for one for Xmas.
I used to believe that after cats had been spayed, they weren't sewn up, they were stapled instead, and if you made them sneeze they would pop. I wasn't a psycho kid either, surprisingly.
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