i used to believe

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cats and dogs

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top belief!

That a dog humping someone's leg was just really happy.

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When I was about five years old I believed that Puppies were boys and kittens were girls and that they grew up, got married and had puppies and kittens!

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When I was little I used to believe cats and dogs were the same species. Cats were females and dogs were males.

Sam Ayers
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When I was 2 I was on a city bus with my mother. There was a seeing eye dog who came on with a blind person. I loved animals so this was very exciting for me. I then proceeded to ask my mother if that doggy had a "skin mommy" or a "fur mommy". She managed to keep a straight face while she explained to me that that doggy had a fur mommy, just like I had a skin mommy and that fur mommies give birth to fur babies while skin mommies give birth to skin babies. That cleared up any issues I had with the matter and I was satisfied.

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I used to believe my Australian Cattle Dog could understand me when i spoke to him in spanish. I went to a spanish emersion school so i was fluent at the age of 6. I would have full out conversations with him daily.

Lauren Levine
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When i was younger i used to think all cats where male and all dogs where female

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That all lions were male and all tigers were female. I also thought all dogs were male and all cats were female.

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top belief!

I once told my younger sister when I was about seven that if you smile at a dog, it thinks you're frowning at it and if you frown at it, it thinks you're smiling at it. She went around frowning at our dog for years.

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When I was a little girl, I got the message that I could be anything I want when I grew up. So when people would ask me what I wanted to be, I would say "a cat!".

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When I was very young I used to believe all dogs were boys and all cats were girls.

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I used to believe that dogs were robots that recorded everything I did and would show the footage to my parents.

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I used to believe that all cats were girls and all dogs were boys.

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when i was young, i believed that all cats were girls and all dogs were boys, of the same species :)

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I used to think all cats were female and all dogs were male.

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When I was a child, I believed that all dogs were boys and all cats were girls.

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I used to belive that cats had four ears because of the slits that they have.

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i used to think cats were girls and dogs were boys

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top belief!

I used to believe that if I forgot to feed the cats in the morning somewhere around 7 o'clock, they would drop dead that very day.

Here Kitty Kitty
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I believed that the breed of dog called Boxer was called that because they could stand up and box.

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top belief!

When I was younger I thought that my little dog was going to someday grow up, grow arms and legs, and marry me.

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