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cats and dogs

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Okay this is kinda two beleifs in one. When I was young, I used to watch "Tom and Jerry". My aunt had this cat and a hamster. I asked her where her hamster's tail was and she told me that he was being a bad little mouse and Santa Claus ran out of coal for him, so he put de-tailer in his chocolate. (I think she was making fun of me)So I took her cat and her hamster and put them in the same room, and was absolutely amazed when Tom caught Jerry. (the good thing was that my aunt caught Tom before he could eat Jerry, and I was punished)

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When I was a kid, I thought dog’s tongues were made of bologna. I used to try to get hold of my dog’s tongue to find out. I asked my Mom if dog’s tongues were made of bologna. She said dog’s tongues were not made of bologna. I didn’t believe her until I was older.

Goofy Kid
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I used to believe that dogs were the daddies in the family, cats were the mommies and cute little mice were the babies and youngsters. Used to imagine doggy dads with pipes reading the newspapers, mummy cats in aprons wielding a spatula and mice sitting around playing monopoly. :P

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I've lived out in the country my whole life. I did not believe that cats and dogs were the same species, since I'd had a lot of exposior to both species from an early age. My more odd beliefs deal with the "cousins" of the dogs.
When I first learned of the existance of foxes (or, at least, my first memories of them), I thought that they were the offspring of cats and dogs. I also remember believing that coyotes were the offspring of wolves and foxes. This was likely inspired by the fact that our nearest neighbors bred and sold (and still do, actually) wolf-dogs.
I also used to believe that coyotes and wolves howled at nightfall to tell everyone that it was time to go to bed. This is something my great grandpa told me when I asked why there was always a wolf or coyote howl whenever it was night in a movie or cartoon. I was about 5 or 6 at the time..
When I was older (about 8 or 9), my great grandpa told me that the real reason they howl is because they're lonely and we started howling back to them on some nights. Most of the time they'd return our simple howls with simple howls of their own for a few minutes. I'm 25 now (my great grandpa died when I was 10) and I've got my own house a couple of miles down the road from my folks' place. I still howl back to the coyotes (though more from habit than belief in so many lonely coyotes out ther int the darkness) and they're still humoring me for a few minutes on those nights.

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When I was a little kid I thought coyotes were part cat and part dog, since they had claws and triangular ears like a cat, and the face and sound of a dog. My mom kept telling me this wasn't true but i didn't believe her because to me, dogs couldn't have triangular ears unless they were also part cat. I was a dumb kid.

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i used to believe cotton was made up of cat's fur

Umme Hani
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When I was really little I thought if I mimicked my cat's meows well enough, that I would learn how to talk "cat".

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I used to think that my dogs and cats were really spies for my parents, and might be perverted, so I would never undress in front of them; I would kick them out of my room.

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my dog died when i was five so my parents told me that they would get me a chocolate puppy(you know, a chocolate lab)and at the time i was eating a chocolate bunny because it was easter and i started to cry and said i didnt want a chocolate puppy i wanted a real one!

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I used to believe that a cat's butt hole was on the tip of his tail.

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When I was about six I used to listen to my cat purr. I asked my parents what made her purr, but they didn't know, so I concluded that there was a tractor inside her that was turned on every time I petted her.

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I used to belive cats and dogs had their own language like english but they wouldn't talk around any humans.
So I used to crawl around the backyard trying to get my two cats to trust me to keep there talking ability a secret, so i they could talk to me.
I think I watched to much talking cat and dog movies.

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I used to read those Animorphs books when I was little. The characters in my books to morph into different animals they touched. I used to believe that my cats were really people, so when they came into my bathroom (while I was going) and when i was changing in my room it would always bother me and i would tell them to get out stop staring at me. I stopped believing this but it still creeps me out when they stare at me like that...

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My younger sister thought that if she slept in the dog bed and drink from the dog bowl she would turn into a dog.

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I used to believe dogs and other animals could talk if they wanted to -- I guess because I watched it happen in so many cartoons and etc -- but that they just didn't want to.

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When I was six I thought that when all puppies grew up they turned into golden labradors.

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I used to believe all deer were girls, and all moose were boys.

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When I was a little girl I used to believe that a mamma dog got her babies by going out into the woods,sniffing the trees to find the right one, then digging a hole to find her babies!

Smockey (my nickname given me by my Polish uncle)
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I used to believe that if you pulled an animals tail (dog or cat) it's eyes would pop out. My gram told me that to keep me from pulling on her kitties tail.

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I was at my best friends house and her male dog sat in front of us and his wiener came out and I freeked out and was like, what was that??!! So we started poking at it with sticks. We thought her dogs winky waw a giant worm monster living in his stomach.

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