cats and dogs
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I used to believe if I fed my cat dog food that he would turn into a dog or start acting like one
We had this cat that would roam our neighborhood. I was told its name was "Stitches." For some reason I got it in my head that if you even touched Stitches, you would "get stitches." I don't think I even really knew what "stitches" were. I just knew they hurt. :-)
I used to believe that my cat was a reincarnation of the buddha and was sent by satan to squash me.
When on holiday in Greece, I was sitting in a taverna with my family watching 2 dogs opposite getting very frisky. I said loudly to my parents: "Look, that dog's giving the other one a piggyback". Of course, that wasn't what they were doing at all . . . ;)
i used to believe cats could talk and just held it in. i spent years as a child trying to get my cat says 'hi', whenever a cat meoowed in a low pitch i believed it was in pain and trying to say owww.
I used to believe when I was a child ,
during xtmas time animals speak like humans after 12 pm
I used to think that 'girl cats' were cats but with long green hair on their head, like in the style of a female person, except with metallic-green coloured hair.
When I was a child, I used to believe that the tongue the dog exhibit when they are exhausted (walking, running) was a ham slice.
My brother used to believe that when we went to school dogs went to dog school to learn to speak and read
My brother told me that I used to have an older sister but she turned into a dog cause she ate dog food. I didn't believe. He then proceded to pull the "well then, why dont you try it?" come back. Needless to say, I didn't. I still didn't believe him, but to this day he still thinks he convinced me.
I used to believe that all cats were girls and all dogs were boys!
I thought lions and tigers were the same type of animal just that lions were always male and tigers were female.
I used to believe that, whenever you got a new puppy or kitten, you got to pick its gender, but it only worked if no one had chosen a gender for it before you.
I heard once that dogs see in black and white and I thought they were lucky because it must be cheaper for them.
I belive that cats can sense a persons sadness,I used to have a cat,My "baby Troubles' he always knew when i was sad and would come sit on my lap and look into my eyes, i used to cry into his fur and he would listen.Cats are 'special angels" put here on earth to comfort us and they can tell eaxactly what your thinking,be careful what you think around your little kittys!!
I used to believe that I would one day have a dog, and I would teach him to speak, read, and even write!
My parents never wanted a dog, only cats so when I was little they told me that Dogs would bite you and cats wouldn't. We got the cat and one bit me. Imagine my surprise.
The first time that our cat went into heat, she drove everyone in the house crazy with her crying. My little brother, who was about nine at the time, told one of his friends that she was crying because "there's a little baby wiggling around in her stomach and making her cry."
When I was little I thought it would be fun to let my cat go for a swim in the large puddle we had in our backyard.
A few minutes later I ran to my mom crying and all scratched up.
My mum told me it was 'bad' for the cats if I touched them (i.e. pulled their tails and generally hassled them) when they were eating. I was in my 20's before I suddenly realised that it was not going to make my cat ill if I stroked him while he was eating!
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