cats and dogs
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I used to think that all cats were female and all dogs were male and that the cat would have litters of kittens and puppies.
When I was very young I used to believe all dogs were boys and all cats were girls.
if you feed the dog chocolate, it will give it worms
Last March, we took in a stray black lab. She was very heavy and we had the suspicion she might be pregnant. My best friend was visiting one day and asked my father if how many nipples the dog had was how many puppies it was going to have. She, herself has two extra, and was afraid that she was going to have a "litter" of four. She was 18 at this time. She is now 19 and pregnant. Fortunately she knows she is only expecting one child.
When i was little , i used to think that if a cat slept on your chest, it would suck all the air out of your lungs whilst you were asleep, and then you would die!!
I used to believe the dogs were all boys and cats were all girls.
when i was about 4 my dad told me we were going to get a new dog, when i asked what color it was he said this dog has lots of different colors,so i imagined a dog with all sorts of different colors like paint splats covering him like reds, greens, and blues and stuff, i was bragging to all my friends "I'm gunna get a rainbow dog!"when we picked him up he just looked like a regular dog (he was a black, brown and white shelty)
I know, everyone's been through it.. but we had a puppy that was too excitable and knocked down me and my younger siblings. So my parents took him to a farm, where he would have more room to run around. Even though I soon learned what that REALLY meant, I never put it together for my OWN dog until I was about 30! Heyyyyyyy, you mean MY dog went to...!!
Until I was 10 (Im 12 now), I used to believe all dogs were female and all cats were male (It's the other way around, strange isnt it?). I even drew a picture of a female dog showing her mate (a cat) that she had his children, and her children were not mixed, the boy babies were kittens and the girl babies were puppies. And also, in that picture, the parents and the babies had there own blankets (The mother dog's blanket was red, the father cat's blanket was blue, the puppies had pink blankets, the kittens had blue blankets.) And the babies were in what appeared to be a dog or cat bed. I also drew a picture of a female dog and a male cat getting married. My sister, on the other hand used to believe all dogs were boys and all cats were girls thanks to some cartoons. She even drew a picture of a dog, a cat, and their babies just like mine. Except the cat was the mother.
I used to believe that if you pulled on a cats tail it would come off like a lizards. Well I tryed it and my cat wasn't to happy!
I used to believe that we were living in the future and that DOGS were extraterrestrials in disguise. I was so scared of dogs, and I believed they could read my mind. I thought that maybe the government made a secret pact with the DOGS and that was why there were so many of them...even in the white house.
Ya, I know...crazy!
When I was little, I believed that if you wanted your cat to have siamese twins, you had to squeeze it's stomach when it was pregnant.
I still believe that cats no the meaning of life and where we go when we die. Why else would the be so unafraid when their loved ones die?
I was 6 or 7 and we had this cat. My younger sister thought the whiskers were too long so she gave him a haircut but only on one side of his face before my dad saw her. Everynight After that he would bump into the wall on the side that she cut the whiskers.
When I was little, I used to believe that corgis (a breed of very short-legged dogs) were made by rolling a puppy inside of a carpet so that it's legs wouldn't grow, and then let out as adults.
I also thought that boxers and rotweillers and other dogs like that were just born without a tail.
It's odd how things like that are completely normal and not a bit disturbing in a little kid's mind.
I always thought dogs never slept since we did not have a pet dog and every dog I encountered at a friends was always awake. When we finally got a dog when I was 13 and saw it napping for the first time I was distraught and thought he had died. My mom then explained he was asleep.
When I was very young, I believed that animals are very dangerous. Whenever I saw a cat or dog I tried to hide from them everytime, and I used to fall down everytime I saw! I thought they'd kill me instantly.
My little bro used to think when the family dog was in heat that she needed a tampon like the "big girls".
Up until I was 12 i thought female dogs gave birth by throwing up the dogs and not threw the other side, i thought this because i dreamt it and thout it was true.
When I was a child I beleived that humping dogs were "dancing" cause its what my mother had told me several times. She finally explained it to me when I went outside to see our dogs "dancing" on the porch, and screamed for her to help them when they were "glued together".
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