creepy crawlies
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When I was a kid, (that was loooong ago), I thought that a burglar was an insect, that looked similar to a spider. I was terrified of spiders, because I thought they would grow to enormous proportions, and steal all of our stuff.
I saw my 8 year old brother trying to sleep last night and he was just all covered up but sweating a lot. I asked him why he didnt just take the blanket off and he said because he didn't want malaria. He believed that there were mosquitos in his room that would bite him if he uncovered and he would for sure get malaria and die.
When i was about 8 or 9 i used to think that u got a fine for steppign on a praying mantus because the cops had a little camera in the bug and thats how you got caught i was young i didnt know....hehehe
When I was little I used to believe that if you steped on a crack lots of bugs would come out. I never steped on a crck for a long time.
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I used to believe that worms grew up to be snakes. Even when I was corrected, I didn't believe the adults. :-)
When I was little my mother told me that it was against the law to kill a ladybug and if I did I would get arrested.
When I was 4 or 5 I got lice, but for some reason I thought this was a good thing, so I went to school walking around telling everyone proudly that I had lice. I always wondered why they stayed away from me...
When I was little, I thought the buzzing noise that june bugs make was a natural noise that happened when it was hot out. We moved to the coast when I was around 6 and there weren't june bugs, so I figured that's why it was always cold and windy
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When I was very young, I saw my grandmother preparing a package for mailing. She was using the kind of tape that must be moistened to make it stick, and that must be the first time I'd ever seen that kind of tape (at least knowingly). She was licking the tape. When I saw her do that, I got very scared and cried out, "Don't lick the tape!" "Why not?" she asked. "You could catch tapeworms!" I replied. She and several other relatives got a good laugh at my expense. Turns out, ever since I'd heard of tapeworms, I thought one caught them from tape. So for quite some time, I'd been washing my hands thoroughly after every time I'd used or handled any kind of tape. And yes, that included audio and video tapes, as well as all kinds of sticking tape.
When I was about 5 or 6, I was at my aunts house with a few of my cousins, and they all knew that I *hated* spiders. I went into the garage to get a toy of some kind, and when I came back, my cousin John threw a spider on me! To this day he swears that the spiders are conspiring against me. And whats worse? I believed him for years...when I was 15 I finally realized that the only time they were doing that was when he was around. I'm 19 now, so yeah...
I used to believe that, if an insect landed on your food and you ate the food (even if the insect was gone), you would turn into that kind of insect.
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well, i live on a canal, and dragonflies are quite common in the summer. i found it quite odd that there were so many "siamese" dragonflies.
only a few years ago did i figure out those dragonflies were actually mating..
When I was little, My big sister told me that snails could bite, and f course at that age i believed her! and i distinctly remember one day standing outside in the pouring rain and there was a snail between me and the door, and I wouldnt come inside because i thought it would bit me, my mum eventually had to carry me inside!
(My sister also told me that slaters were baby marrons! which I also belived! she was a very creative 5 year old)
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as a young boy i was not allowed to have a dog, so i brought home a pet ant. after playing all day, i believed my ant needed a nice hot bath. after drowning the poor boy, i believed he needed to dry under the blow dryer. after burning my little friend to a crisp, i believed i was a murderer. i flushed him down the toilet and hid from mom.
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I used to believe that mosquitoes sucked your blood until you died. I told my little brother this when he was six. When he cried i had no idea what he was worried about.
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i still don't know why earthworms do this, but when i was little it really concerned me--after alot of rain, worms would emerge from the ground and lay almost unmoving in the puddles. thinking they were injured/sick/dying (were they just taking a good soak?), i would open up the "worm hospital" and take steps to save their lives. sometimes i would move them to higher ground; sometimes i would re-bury them; sometimes i would put two close together, thinking they weren't moving because they were lonely.
top belief!
One time in the colorado countryside, i saw two grasshoppers mating, but not knowing what mating was, i ran to my mom told her that "i saw a two-headed, eight- legged giant grasshopper!"
I remember when I was little and we were at a lake full of dragon flies I got mad and my dad and I told my dad "shut up" He jumped up and said "dont say that or the dragonflies will sow your mouth shut" I believed that for a very long time and one day got curios and told a dragon fly to shut up and ran after I said it. lol
I used 2 believe crumbs turned into bugs.
When my sister and I were little, our parents told us that spiders were afraid of beds (so that we would still sleep if there was a spider in our bedroom). I distinctly remember standing at the door of my room and making a running jump to get to the bed as fast as I could, because then the spiders wouldn't get me. We believed it for years, and therefore our parents never had to deal with "I can't go into my room, there's a spider there!" It's such a convenient story that I plan on telling it to my kids someday!
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