i used to believe

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When I was little I lived in a cozy little neighbourhood, but in the spring, we'd got tons of fuzzy caterpillars. Now I love bugs, but I noticed that every time a kid steped on one of the poor things, that the caterpillar would gush out red and yellow guts. This looked an awful lot like ketchup and mustard, and I took this for true. I boasted to everyone that caterpillars were the ones who made ketchup and mustard. Despite the weird looks I got from people, I was sure I was right.

Now, my mother made hotdogs for lunch one day, but lo and behold, she didn't check for condements! But that was OK, because I had all the ketchup and mustard I needed... outside. While the hotdogs were still sitting out, I got a bunch of caterpillars, held them over the hot wieeners, and squeezed their guts out. When mom came into the room, she was quite pleased to find that her little girl had found some condments. When she took that first bite, I don't think I ever heard anyone scream so loud in my life when mom saw the dead, de-gutted caterpillars. After I explained my "brilliant" idea, she tanned my butt and I was forced to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while the rest of the family had pizza.

Sub. Condements- Loren
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When I was younger I asked my parents:
"If bees make honey, do flys make marmalade?"

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top belief!

I used to believe that cobwebs were formed by (very creative?) dust particles and were very different from spider webs. My mom told me this because otherwise I would not go into the basement, due to my intense fear of spiders. Unbelievably I was convinced of this until I was in my early 20's. I suppose denial of the truth is a powerful thing!

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i used to believe that if u step on ant beds the devil will rise up out of the ground and pull you down and take you to hell

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I used to believe that dragonfly bites were dangerous. I believed they could burrow under your skin and live in your head and your brain would be where they stored their eggs. I also used to believe that if you touched anything dead and didn't wash your hands in at least half an hour, you'd turn to dust.

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When I was little I saw an American TV show with fishing in it. They were talking about different flies and mentioned wooly buggers. I asked what this was and my Dad said it meant sheep. I don't think he realised I took it at face value and was to continue using it for several years to come.

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When I was little, I thought that cobwebs were made by corncobs. I don't know how a corncob could make a web, though.

TB Samurai
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I used to believe that crickets could poison you with a special liquid they kept in their legs if you stared at them or get too close...

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When I was in third grade I lived at my grandparents house and when my grandma tucked me in at night she would say, "Don't let the bedbugs bite." I imagined a 4 foot long 2 foot tall white cockroach comming into my room and biting me. It was horrifying

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My brother used to think that cobwebs where made by cobs.

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i used to believe that ears were actually earwigs and that when i saw my mum cleaning her ears the earwig was going to the toilet but needed help to get it all out:)

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I use to believe that dragon flies and fire flies were fairies

lady eberly
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i used 2 bleve that dragonfies and ladybugs were related and at night time they all came together and flew into space so they could see the whole world and they would see who was being naughty and they would eat all the naughty kids

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When I was little my grandmother told me that if a thousand legged worm saw my teeth that they would all fall out. After I heard that every time I would see a thousand legged worm I would press my lips together and even talk with them curled over my teeth! Finally, they told me that it wasn't true but to this day (out of habit) I still cover my teeth when I see a thousand legged worm.

Just Me
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I used to believe that earwigs were ears that would crawl around and they wore a wig, I always ran away when my dad said there was an earwig because I didn't want to see it.

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I used to think that pack rats were a kind of rat that ran around together in packs (groups).

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i used to belive that if you held a glowworm for too long u would glow. i was soooooo scared of glowworms....im still scared of them.

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I used to believe that Fireants were called Fireants because if they bit you, a little fire would rise up where they bit, and would not go out until you flicked the ant away.

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top belief!

When I was little, my mom told me that moths would eat my clothes. She neglected to specify, "when they're in the closet." So I thought that moths had these huge teeth and would land on me and eat right through my clothes and bite me. Then someone told me that butterflies are just pretty moths... To this day, I am terrified of both moths and butterflies.

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when i was little someone told me that flies pooped every time they landed. of course that happened to be the summer that there were TONS of flies. if a fly even touched me, i went to go wash my hand. i was so freaked out by that. i think i was a gullible little kid

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