creepy crawlies
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top belief!
I used to believe (no laughing please), that ants got suntan if you reflected the light on it from a magnifying glass.
When my friend was little she had a pet slug but she didn't know what to feed it so she went to her brothers for help. Upon asking what they ate they told her "slugs eat salt." She cried and cried when she found out slugs did not like salt!
top belief!
i thought there was a huge sprider that hid just around the bend of the pipe and when i sat on the toilet it would come out and sink it's fangs into my bum.
this is kindof true.when we were younger my brother and i used to love drowning slaters in the backyard.but one day my brother did it in the baisin and then let the plug out and they all went down the sink.a while later i went to the toilet and i was just going to wash my hands when i saw that the slaters had crawled back up the drain.i thought they hed come for revenge for trying to drown i flushed them back down.but for ages after that i always left the plug in the basin after washing my hands just so that they couldn't get back up.even today i still sometimes look down the drain before i wash my hands just to make sure they're not there.
top belief!
When I was really, really little my dad had the original Star Wars films on video he got from a "friend" who lived on a boat (I think it was pirated as my dad and uncle fell about laughing at this point)and I was absolutely terrified of Jabba the Hutt. My dad, being a caring soul, told me that slugs were all Jabba's children and if I stepped on them anymore, Jabba would come and eat me. Strangely, I never remember slugs before this point ( must have been about 4), but I never stepped on any.
Dad had to explain he was only joking about Jabba about two years later when I freaked out because my cousin's dog was eating slugs.
I was playing in the dirt one day (being the little scraped-up kneed, tomboyish kid I was) And my dad came up to me and said that dirt was actually worm poop. I was so disgusted that I went to the bathroom to wash my hands (like 35 times) and then I ran up the stairs to go and cry on my bed. SERIOUSLY! I cried for about half an hour while my dad was trying to convince me that what he had said wasn't true....which I'm really not sure that it still isn't true...where DOES dirt come from,anyway??
top belief!
When I was about 5 or 6, my parents bought me a ZooBook magazine.The issue was about butterflies. There was an article in it: How to become a butterfly! Being only 5 or 6 I believed it and crawled into a sleeping bag, waited a few minutes, and jumped out (like the directions said)expecting to be a butterfly.
When I was a little girl, i used to believe that when a bee buzzed around me it would make a bee-hive and trap me in it!
when i was little i had a swing set and i always before i got on the swing part i would flip it over because i thought a giant blak roach lived under there and was going to eat me otherwise.
When I was about 6 or 7 a wasp landed on my arm. I was wearing a coat so he couldn't have stung me but I didn't know that. I froze and didn't even blink. When my dad drove up in the drive way he asked, "What are you doing/" I didn't move a muscle but just replied "There's a wasp on my arm", thinking he would come get it off, but he just said"Well knoock it off!" but I answered him "He's SMILING at me!" I just knew if I moved he was going to sting me and was happy about it!! I never see a wasp that I don't remember "He's SMILING at me!"
The first time as a child that I became acquainted with the "outbreaks" of 13- or 17- year cicadas, and saw their dead skeletons lying around in considerable numbers, I thought I was hearing these insects called "adas" and I thought that what was happening was that they got sick every 13 to 17 years. That's because I thought I was hearing of the "sick adas" that were dying in big numbers when the 13 to 17 year illness hit.
top belief!
When I was around five, I believed that ear wax came from earwigs. Then I saw a horror movie where an earwig crawled into a man's brain, causing him to go crazy. I believed it! Anytime I found an earwig in the backyard, I ran like mad! Earwigs still give me the creeps.
top belief!
i used to think that dragonflies were baby dragons.
top belief!
When I first heard the words "flea market", I actually thought it meant "selling fleas".
top belief!
when i was in kindergarten there was a breakout of lice and all the parents were given letters to tell them how to get rid of them. i asked my mum one day what lice were and she told me that they were small animals that lived on your hair. i got scared then because i imagined that there were small giraffes, small elephant and all the other animals living on my hair!
When i was about five, i though that when you got bitten on your neck (by a gnat and mosquito) you would was i wrong!!
I used to believe that if you managed to get enough "butterfly dust" off a butterfly's wings and covered yourself in it, you could fly!!
I live in the Desert. One time my Uncle told me that there were such things as Stick Lizards. See, these were 5-inch-long lizards that carried a stick around in their mouths. When the ground got to hot for their feet, they would push the stick into the ground and climb onto the stick until their feet cooled off. I've saerched all over, but I still haven't found one. I STILL BELIEVE THEY EXIST!!!!!!!!
I used to beleive when a mosquito buzzed around your ears it actually flew up in your ear and around your brain.
top belief!
In order to get me to clean my room as a child, my grandmother always told me that spiders came from dust. She said they just materialized from the dirt and grime in a dirty child's room. I know now that they hatch from eggs, but to this day I am still scared to death of spiders of any size, any kind.
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