i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was little, in the summer kids used to drink from the garden hose in the yard. I always refused to drink out of it because whenever it rained there were worms outside, so I was convinced that the worms were made by water which meant if I drank from the hose, chances are a worm or snake or something would come out of it while I was drinking.

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top belief!

I used to believe that slugs were snails that had lost they're shells or moved out. My younger brother and I always left the shells where they were so another slug could move in!

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This is actually about my little brother...

Until he was about 13, he was absolutely convinced that yellow ladybugs were poisonous. Boy, did he freak out when he found me holding one...

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whenever i caught a ladybug i would always say the rhyme "ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. your house is on fire and your children are alone". i always wondered how all the ladybugs managed to catch their houses on fire...

damn pyro ladybugs!
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when i was about 4 i discovered a sow bug for the first time. i showed it to my mom and asked her what it was. she told me it was a sow bug, but i heard her say "salad bug". for the longest time i beleived that this was what they were called, and i thought that they lived in salads.

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My belief has to do with earwigs. NO, it is not the stupid brain eating thing thats all over this site. When I was at a relative's house (Maybe grandma's) I saw some tall plants with a big mess of platelike things shaped like a pineapple. Curious, I peeled of the plates layer by layer. Well, I was on the third layer when the back end of an earwig poked out. I thought the plant was pissed at me and the pincher thing was part of it that it reached out to grab me and pull me in! Another one is when was at my old friend Steven's house and we were going to go down the slide, but there was a spider web on it. We were about 3 years old, and thought the spider would kill us if we broke it. Steven, the clever guy he is, came up with a plan. There wasn't a spider in the web,(we thought it was out hunting) so Steven broke it and placed a baby doll nearby. We thought that the spider would think it was the doll who broke the web and attack it instead!

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top belief!

i used to believe that if i didnt get out of the bathroom after 5 seconds of flushing the loo, spiders would come from nowhere and crawl all over me

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I used to believe that if I squashed a big hairy spider then all his little spider friends would somehow know, and they would come and get me while I was sleeping.

I still can't bring myself to kill one.

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When my sister was little, she didn't know what granddaddy longlegs were called, so when she saw one in the tub, she ran off screaming, "There's a chicken leg in the bathtub!" She called them that for years.

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When I was little, I was a huge fan of the Rugrats. My favorite episode was the one where Chuckie adopted a roly-poly bug and named it Melville. There were a lot of roly-polies in our backyard, and we used to collect them in jars, but until I was in about third grade I thought that this type of insect were actually called Melvilles.

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I used to believe that dragon flies would blow out fire! so when i saw one i would scream aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww!!! fire fire fire!

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when i was little my dad told me that flies kicked. I still sort of believe him to this day, even though logic tells me its not true, he has never denied it.

Jessica W
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When I was 5 or 6 I ( and the rest of the kids)used to believe that butterfly wing powder if blown into someones eyes will cause perpetual blindness

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top belief!

I used to believe that I was queen of the butterflies, and I could telepathically communicate with them. My brother believed he was king of the dragonflies. So when we'd be outside, I would try my hardest to tell a butterfly to rest on my hand or attack my brother, and he'd do the same with his dragonflies.

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My mum used to think that wasps made marmalade. it's perfectly reasonable, at their house they ate marmalade and honey, honey comes from, bees,and wasps must do something!

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top belief!

My brother ate a spider in the garden and my mum told me and my brother that it would crawl out of his bellybutton. I told all my friends because i was convinced it was true.

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When I was little I wouldnt walk in the grass with bare feet because I thought that the bugs in the yard were going to eat my feet off

Shay Shay
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When I was about 6 or 7, I was on a family vacation and our hotel room had those ceilings that look all bumpy and such. I aksed my sister what the bumps were, and she told me that inside of them there were tons and tons of gross bugs! And then told me that sometimes
the bumps break open and the bugs fall on people while they sleep!

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When I was like five in my back yard, there was leaves falling because it was fall. I was lieing on the grass with my eyes closed all relaxed, and a "spider" that was bigger than my face fell on my nose, I got up and screamed and ran away. Turns out it was a leaf, but until I figured that out, I never once was found laying down outside in the grass.

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One night I was sleeping on my side with my ear uncovered, and out of nowhere I had this horrible vision of a spider on the ceiling falling off right into my ear. To this day, I am unable to sleep with my ears uncovered. (I have to cover them with the blankets or my hair)

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