i used to believe

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I used to think that lizards had houses just like people's houses, only smaller. For some reason, I thought at least some of those houses were right under the sidewalk in my front yard.

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When I was at my grandma's house as a little kid, I was standing outside near a power pole one afternoon when I heard a cicada start to sing. I'd never heard one before, and since I couldn't see the bug, I thought it was the power pole making that strange buzzing noise!

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I used to belive if I catched grasshopper and haled in my hands for a long time, this insect would get used and wouldnt jump away!

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When I was a kid I somehow got to believe you could only be stung by a bee if you're little. I lived with that belief till 23 yrs old, walking calmly around them, when a friend told me that I was still at risk. Imagine my surprise

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If I loved something it would come back to life. I was holding a junebug, and it wasn't moving. My mom told me it was dead, but it was only cold. I had warmed it up, and revived it. It flew away, and I thought it was because I had loved it.

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When I was little, (6, I'm 10 now,) I thought earwigs did crawl into your ears. Now I know that they used to be called earwings, for their ear shaped wings. It changed into earwigs, because their pinchers look like the tools for cleaning ears. Mosquitoes actually crawl into your ear, though. If they puncture the eardrum you can lose your hearing. Thats why we have earwax.

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When I was 5,I got a poison ivy rash.When I got better I remembered the place where I got it.I caught a grasshopper.I took it to the place where the poision ivy was.I wanted to see if the grasshopper would get it also.I had to climb on an old log so as not to touch the poison ivy.I thought there was a fly by the old log.It was not.I was sitting on a bee's nest.Hundreds of bees came out.Needless to say I walked a half mile to the nearest house with bees on me everywhere.When I banged on the door the lady whom answered started swatting me with a dish towel.Soon my father heard the noise and came over with a garden hose.I spent a few days in the hospital.Had 75 stingers removed and the doctor said I had 100 more stings.Grasshoppers don't get poison ivy rash!!

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When I was as little, my friend and I used to collect dead butterflies from her greenhouse and put the dust from the wings on our arms and jump off the top of the steps, thinking we could fly.

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I thought that dungeness crabs lived in dungeons!

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When I was a child I used to believe that black ants were from God because they are harmless, and that fire ants were sent by the devil because they sting.

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I used to think that since caterpillars become butterflies, earth worms must become moths.

Moth Man
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I used to go into my Grandad's garden when I was about 5 and lift the seed packets her would put on sticks to watch the earwigs fall out. He caught me doing it once and told me that the would crawl into my ears and bite my brain in the night if I didn't stop. I believed it until I was 13 yrs.old.

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When I was a kid, I used to believe that if I stepped on a bug, it would step on me in the other world.

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When I was very young, after a night of catching fireflies with my brother, my brother filled the jar with green fuzz from His sleeping bag and told me, that after a few hours. Fireflies turn into that green fuzz. If you Keep them captive for too Long... I believed this until I was about. 10 years old.

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Once when I was little, my family was on a hike in the woods, when I giant bug jumped on my arm and was looking right at me. I started screaming and swatting at it and whatnot. After it was gone, my mom said, "It only jumped on you because it thought you were pretty." I was young enough that I believed her 100%. Then I felt really bad, because I figured if it jumped on me because it thought I was pretty, and I started screaming about how ugly it was, I must have hurt it's feelings. I felt guilty about it for weeks.

I'm sorry, bug
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When I was about 9 I had a single bed and I had a huge light on my wall next to my bed. One night I was in bed reading a book and It came to a part in the story about a spider and in the corner of my eye i saw somthing moving and I saw a HUGE spider almost on my sholder. I ran out screaming and crying. Now I never read books about spiders and i belive that you always have to check your bed for spiders!!!

Ashlee aged 11
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When I was very small I used to believe that if you put your fingers in the plug sockets loads of worms would come wriggling out of them and cover the room.... i used to try and figure out for ages how the worms came out of them.

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dragonfliesw ere called, Devil's darning needles.

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If you pull off the leg of a spider it will rain

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I thought that snakes were just a tail and a head like they looked like i.e I didn't know they had any internal organs in their bodies. Later when I learned that lizards can drop thier tails I thought that snakes could drop their whole bodies and would just be a head until it grew back!

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