i used to believe

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When I was little I wouldnt walk in the grass with bare feet because I thought that the bugs in the yard were going to eat my feet off

Shay Shay
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When I was about 6 or 7 a wasp landed on my arm. I was wearing a coat so he couldn't have stung me but I didn't know that. I froze and didn't even blink. When my dad drove up in the drive way he asked, "What are you doing/" I didn't move a muscle but just replied "There's a wasp on my arm", thinking he would come get it off, but he just said"Well knoock it off!" but I answered him "He's SMILING at me!" I just knew if I moved he was going to sting me and was happy about it!! I never see a wasp that I don't remember "He's SMILING at me!"

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i used to think that black widow spiders wher spiders whos husbands died so they were widows and they allways wore black cos they were sad.

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I used to believe that, if an insect landed on your food and you ate the food (even if the insect was gone), you would turn into that kind of insect.

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I used to think butterflies would sting like bees. One of my earliest memories was getting chased around the yard by a butterfly...

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I used to tape my mouth shut at night in case a spider would come along and make a web in my belly.

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I used to believe that beauty marks (freckels) were Butterfly bites!

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I used to have this twisted belief that if I was nice enough to a wasp, he might become my friend. He would talk to me, walk on my arm but never sting, and convince all his buddies to refrain from stinging when they landed on me or any member of my family.

active imagination
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When I was young I was told that if gnats landed on you they laid thousands of eggs in your skin. Even if they just landed for a second, and that a month later they would all come flying out of your skin. I was terrified of the things

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My dad took me to see Arachnophobia when I was about 7, I've been terrified of spiders ever since. If I saw one in my room and it got away before it was killed, I'd throw a fit and not go to sleep- my mom told me that spiders didn't like crawling on beds so I was safe there- something about they like hard surfaces, it's easier for them to walk- seemed believable enough =) I seriously believed that until I was about 27 and my mom admitted to lying to me...lies, all lies!!! I kinda wish I still believed that though- I freaking hate spiders!

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I used to think that since caterpillars become butterflies, earth worms must become moths.

Moth Man
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i get bit by so many moskitos because i'm a sweet child with sugar in my vains.

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When I first arrived in Australia in 1973 and my parents and I made our first visit to Queensland's famous Gold Coast beaches, we were warned to "Watch out for the stinging bluebotles" as they can be fatal. - We spent the whole day anxiously looking upwards for huge flies with killer stings. It wasn't until later that we learned that the stinging bluebottles were actually a rather nasty kind of jellyfish!

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One night i was staying at a friends place. her little sister was going to bed so i said to her "don't let the bed bugs bite". I found out in the morning her mother couldn't get her to sleep because she had woken up and discovered a mosquito bite on her ankle, obviously this was the bed bugs doing! she was too scared to go back to bed in fear of the dreaded bed bugs!

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this is kindof true.when we were younger my brother and i used to love drowning slaters in the backyard.but one day my brother did it in the baisin and then let the plug out and they all went down the sink.a while later i went to the toilet and i was just going to wash my hands when i saw that the slaters had crawled back up the drain.i thought they hed come for revenge for trying to drown them.so i flushed them back down.but for ages after that i always left the plug in the basin after washing my hands just so that they couldn't get back up.even today i still sometimes look down the drain before i wash my hands just to make sure they're not there.

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when i was younger i used to see moths flying around light bulbs and other lights etc. i used to believe that they thought that the lights were the moon and that a moths mission in life was to try and fly to the moon so this is why they spent so long flying into the lights.

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I used to believe that Fireants were called Fireants because if they bit you, a little fire would rise up where they bit, and would not go out until you flicked the ant away.

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When I was little I read a story in my Ranger Rick magazine about this baby worm who was warned not to go to the surface when it rained because he might squiggle onto concrete and then the sun would come out and dry him up. The worm didn't listen and soon he found himself on concrete, drying up quickley. Luckily, along came a little girl who saved him by picking him and up and throwing him into the grass. I believed that I was like that little girl and it was my mission to save all the worms that wiggled their way onto the pavement after a rain storm. I still try to rescue every single stranded, helpless worm to this day and I'm 20 years old. I also have an overwhelming sense of guilt if I can't get to all the worms.

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I used to believe that when I slept, if my ears and nose weren't covered that a spider would crawl into my brain and mess with my brain and kill me. To this day I still can't sleep without my ears and nose being covered, but I'm not that scared of spiders.

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One time in early grade school, I remember a classmate of mine pulled the head off of a grasshopper and out came were some of the insides attached to the head. He told me that was chewing tobacco. I believed that for a long time and still think of it whenever I see chewing tobacco on display in the stores. Yuuuckk!

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