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creepy crawlies

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My grandparents lived on a huge farm in Mississippi and my "Nana" told us that dragonflies were actually called "Snake Doctors" because they brought medicine to snakes as they flew over the water in the ponds where we fished. I have of course believed this my entire life.

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When I was a kid, (that was loooong ago), I thought that a burglar was an insect, that looked similar to a spider. I was terrified of spiders, because I thought they would grow to enormous proportions, and steal all of our stuff.

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One day when I was about 6 I saw a spider in the bath. My dad told me his name was 'Algernon' and that he had known him for years! From then on me and my little sister honestly believed that every spider we saw in the bath was Algernon and that he was paying us a visit - he was almost considered a family pet!

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As a child, nits were a common affliction in our family. My hair was very long, and it was always a real business to get them out. Because I was told they were blood-sucking creatures, I believed if they were in there too long they'd suck so much blood out of my head I'd faint.

Nit-free - hurrah!
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Although many children believe that butter comes from butterflies, I was never intelligent enough to make that connection. Instead, I reasoned that if bees make honey, butterflies make jam.

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i used to believe that when you got bitten by a flea they crawled under your skin and played poker then when you got an itch it was when one of the fleas won a poker game and there antennas tickled under your skin.

Rebecca Jones
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I used to believe that when u stepped on ants and bugs that they became mad and would try to bring you down later that night so i tried to tiptoe when i was walking and i did that for a good, 3/4 years

Bobby, the king of swing
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I used to believe that when you made a bonfire, the sparks that came out turned into fireflies. Additionally, the color of said fireflies changed from orange to greenish because they cooled off after they got out of the fire.

Tom O'Connor
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I used to belive that dragonflies were little helicopters with two tiny pilots in them. My grandfather told me this.

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When I was younger I used to believe that termites were invisible and about 2 feet tall. They would climb all over the houses to eat the wood. This was from watching those scary pest control commercials.

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When I was a kid I somehow got to believe you could only be stung by a bee if you're little. I lived with that belief till 23 yrs old, walking calmly around them, when a friend told me that I was still at risk. Imagine my surprise

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I used to believe that the bite of a maggot would kill you. I was scared to go near the garbage can because maggots sometimes hatched under it.

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My mom told me that if I didn't wash my hair black widow spiders would come live in it.

grew up in Nebraska
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I used to have an obsession with bringing creepy crawlies, especially woodlice into the house. My mother got so annoyed one day that she told me woodlice bit really really hard. When I said I didn't believe her she replied with "How do you think that they bite through wood"

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I used to believe that a 'Flea Circus' really was a circus with performing feas!

Jo Lancashire
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My brother went into school one day really upset and told his teacher "Wobert's died". The teacher asked to speak to mum and shared her sympathies over the death of "robert", to which my mum displaying confusion ask my bro who "robert" was. It turned out that everytime (over a couple of years!) he found a woodlouse in the house he thought it was "Wobert" and would play with it, until one day he found a dead one.

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I used to think that if bees made honey, then wasps must make marmalade...but then I stuck my finger in a wasp nest trying to get out some marmalade...not fun.

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When I was five years old I found a ladybug in the bathroom. My older sister rushed in and shouted at me not to touch it because it was 'poisonous to anyone under the age of eight!'. She was ten, so she picked it up for a closer inspection. Years later I realised she'd only told me that because SHE wanted to hold the pretty insect..

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I live in the Desert. One time my Uncle told me that there were such things as Stick Lizards. See, these were 5-inch-long lizards that carried a stick around in their mouths. When the ground got to hot for their feet, they would push the stick into the ground and climb onto the stick until their feet cooled off. I've saerched all over, but I still haven't found one. I STILL BELIEVE THEY EXIST!!!!!!!!

Must have heatstroke
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This is about my brother. He loved snakes. One day his female snake had a litter of baby snakes. He ran into the house screaming and yelling and my mother thought he had an accident, but he just kept yelling "I'm a father, I'm a father"!

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