i used to believe

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Until I was about 7, I was afraid of walking outside barefoot...I believed that the ants would come and suck my toes!

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Somebody told me when I was a kid that if you kill a preying mantis, it would cost you $1. Nobody told me who I was supposed to pay, but $1 sounded like a lot of money!

Linda, Los Angeles
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I had it in my head that tiny spiders would leave you money. My older sisters used to call them 'money spiders' and pick up twenty pence pieces when they saw one. Shame they always used to find them first!

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I used to think that spiders could fly if they wanted to, even though everyone kept telling me they couldn't. I ahve a strange memory of a big orange spider "flying" down into my face when I was about 3 years old on my swingset. I also later believe they could pack up their webs and use them as parachutes to jump down from tall places. Later, in science class, I learned this was false. Silly me!

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i used to think that moths were travelling to different worlds when they circled the lights

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When i was four or five, i thought that there were little ants inside of a car air conditioner that blew air. when we turned it on high, it would blow harder. when we turned it on low, it would blow softer. and it had a group of friends that took over if he got too out of breath. haha ^^

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I used to believe that if you ate a worm or something else like that, that it would come out your nose. From this day on I stay away from the crawly bugs. Not that I believe in it but they still freak me out!!

Creepy Crawlies hater
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I used to go into my Grandad's garden when I was about 5 and lift the seed packets her would put on sticks to watch the earwigs fall out. He caught me doing it once and told me that the would crawl into my ears and bite my brain in the night if I didn't stop. I believed it until I was 13 yrs.old.

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When I was at my grandma's house as a little kid, I was standing outside near a power pole one afternoon when I heard a cicada start to sing. I'd never heard one before, and since I couldn't see the bug, I thought it was the power pole making that strange buzzing noise!

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I used to believe that earwigs could crawl inside your ears and lay eggs there, because they are called earwigs.

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I used to believe, and I think much of the basis of this belief was fed through the media, that the world would end when we were all attacked by killer bees from Mexico and South America. I used to look out the window and worry day and night that we were going to be attacked. It got so bad that I had to throw away a toy stuffed bee I had been given by a relative.

Eric Lindstrom
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When I was little, my parents used to take us out to this local mexican restaurant quite often. Well, I was a bit of an obnoxious child, and to get me to behave, they used to tell me that the giant pot/urns in the corners of the room were filld with bugs and if I was bad the waiter would come over and put me in there and close the lid. Ever since then, I have had this unnatural fear of bugs. Not outdoors, but indoors. I can't sleep if I know there is a bug in the room. My parents laugh about it now, writing it off as first-time parent experimenting.

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When I was about 5 years old, I found a worm in the backyard. Me being me, I wanted it for a pet. Of course, my mother didn't want a slimy invertebrate in the house so she decides to tell me that all worms grow up to be snakes. I actually believed in this until I was in fourth or fifth grade.

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A neighbor friend told me that spiders bit in the winter and not in the summer, or vice versus - I forget which. Now I'm afraid of spiders all the time.

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When my sister and I were about 6/7, we were playing a game with my older sis, naming animals throught the alphabet. When we got to "L" my older sis said "locust". We asked what that was, and she said locusts are big grasshoppers that come on their thousands and eat everything. Well she was telling the truth, but us being kids we imagined these huge 'monsters' towering over houses and reaching in through the windows for human snacks... I had recurring nightmares after that!!

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My dad told me that if you kill the queen ant (the big ant with wings), all the ants in her colony would attack you. Thus, adding to my sleeping disorder. I can't believe that i believed him.

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when i was little someone told me that flies pooped every time they landed. of course that happened to be the summer that there were TONS of flies. if a fly even touched me, i went to go wash my hand. i was so freaked out by that. i think i was a gullible little kid

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When I was a kid, I convinced one of my friends that the powder on a moths wing was deadly poisonous. I knew that if you touch a moths wings the powder would rub off and the moth wouldn't be able to fly, and I told him this and he didn't care... so I told him that it was poisonous and would kill him.

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When I was little, my mom told me that if you litter, then you were a "litter bug." I actually believed that you turned into a giant fly if you littered! Needless to say, I never littered again.

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I used to believe that before the earth was here moths used to fly around the moon, which is why they're attracted to bright lights.

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