creepy crawlies
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The Ant News....."Today in Little Hill Suburbia, 1,795 ants were crushed to their deaths by an unidentified, white object that repeatedly fell from the sky and slammed into the busy downtown area killing 1,795 ants and critically injuring hundreds more. Oh wait, this just in - it appears to be the foot of some colossal creature! Troops were sent in to gang up on it and sting it but they too were laid to waist...." When I was about 4, 5 and 6 years old I would watch nature very closely. I soon discovered that ants were an incredible component of nature because of their strength, numbers, and group effort. I hated them because to me they seemed to capitalize on tragedy, they were ruthlessly mean and incredibly self centered. I came to this conclusion after seeing a group of ants gang up on a half dead horse fly. When the fly was dead they went and told all their greedy friends who came back to the fly, crawled up under it and began carrying it off. I could just imagine the chanting song they must have been singing while carrying the fly to their ant lair - exactly like the flying monkeys in The Wizard of OZ. After that I slaughtered as many ants as I could find. I'd put off coming in for dinner for an hour in order to kill all the ants within my sight. I then imagined my gigantic image being broadcast all over the six o'clock ant news.
I used to believe that the little top on the blue berries were spiders- I would NEVER eat blueberries and i was disgusted when other people did. I told all of my friends and they believed me too (we were in first grade) We basically started this whole "don't eat blueberries" club around school until one of the teachers told us otherwise. They all blamed it on me now my nickname is "the blue spider" ~ How embarassing
My sisters used to "call an ant hurricane" to me when she wanted something from me. So they said "oh mighty ants get me bother!" i would scream give them what the wanted.
dragonfliesw ere called, Devil's darning needles.
I use to believe the fireflies were birds with spotlights
When I was young, I used to be afraid of spiders and thougt spiders tried to kill me.
One day, I was alone in my house. I was going to have a wash but I saw a spider! I wanted to kill it but it tried to chase me to kill me!
So, I didn't clean myself until my parents came home.Now, when I see a spider, I always think these evils spiders want to kill me! :(
When I was a child, I saw a spider in my house. My parents said me that it was our spider and that she lived in our house in order not to frighten me.
Everytime I saw a spider I used to believe that it was the same spider.
One day I saw the spider but she was dead so I was sad.
Some days after I saw another spider alive so I understood the truth and I felt silly !
Due to Ryan George,I believe earwigs wiggle into your ears while you are sleeping and butterflies taste like butter
My friends and I all used to believe that any flying insect with any red colouring was a "blood sucker" and you weren't to let it land on you or it would suck your blood and you would die. Ladybirds were not blood suckers!
The people that lived next door to my grandparents had bee hives. It was pretty terrifying visiting there asquite a few bees would buzz around you. These neighbors told me these were special bees and they did not sting. I was never afraid after that and they never did sting me.
I used to belive that if you killed a LAdyBug that you would soon die just because my brother's friend said so. Just so you know don't trust everything you hear.
My brother convinced me that if I went into our kitchen at night, worms would bite my toenails off. I had nightmares about that well into my teens, and I still dream that my toes fall or rot off sometimes
This is actually about my little brother...
Until he was about 13, he was absolutely convinced that yellow ladybugs were poisonous. Boy, did he freak out when he found me holding one...
When I was younger I asked my parents:
"If bees make honey, do flys make marmalade?"
My Mum told me snails were diseased whenever I played with them so now I'm still scared of them. Especially when my girlfriend taunts me with them (she likes them)
I used to think that slugs were just homeless snails. Or something like that.
I have always been petrified of bees and and wasps and any sort of flying object really! And I used to believe that if you stepped on a dead bee it would come back to life and fly after you just to sting you and die again!
A grad student I knew from England believed fireflies were imaginary, like fairies. Apparently they don't have them over there. When he came to the United States he was astonished to discover that there are bugs that give off light -- which is kind of amazing, if you think about it.
I used to (and still do) think that spiders have big colonies hidden somewhere near the center of the earth. Whenver you kill or step on one, they use their dying moments when they're still alive and trying to crawl away but their legs are broken and they're all squished up to scream and call to their family members at the inner core. I think this because whenever I find a spider, I'll kill it, and then in the next week, I'll kill like fifty bajillion spiders in my bedroom. And yeah, I'm weird.
One night I was sleeping on my side with my ear uncovered, and out of nowhere I had this horrible vision of a spider on the ceiling falling off right into my ear. To this day, I am unable to sleep with my ears uncovered. (I have to cover them with the blankets or my hair)
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