creepy crawlies
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When I was 5, I somehow came under the impression that when a caterpillar went into a cocoon, that meant it was dead. This made for a slightly traumatic experience when I caught one and was convinced I had killed it a few hours later.
I used to believe that flies regularly dropped their legs off while flying and if one landed in your eye you would go blind
I believed that snails were council house slugs that had bought their own houses. (well that's what i was told)
My mom and i went to the zoo when i was about 5 and we entered the insect area. we saw some weird bug that looked like tiny peices of lettece and they had a large piece of lettece to eat. she told me that the large peice of lettece was the mother and the actual bugs were her babys!
When i was about 5 i was out back at night and saw all these moths flying around my back door light.They kept flying near me and i kept getting nervous.Well,my dad told me that if i kept bothering them that they would eat my clothes.To this day my mom teases me about it,and yet i still somewhat believe it...
Butter came from Butterflies
As a kid, I learned of the existence of spider webs and cobwebs long before learning of whatever critters might have constructed them. Not surprisingly, I have since learned what spiders are. But I still have no idea of what, if anything, cobs are if they are what makes cobwebs.
I used to believe that if I didn't cover up my ears with my quilt when I was in bed bugs would come and live in them, I still usually cover up my ears.
Once when I was walking down the street with my dad (I was about two or three at the time), there was this huge fake butterfly. For some reason, it scared me because I thought it would eat my nose. For a year or two I avoided that and all other butterflies.
Mom would call fog "froggy" so I would think there were frogs in the air outside and be scared to be in it.
My Sister Jenna Once Had A Dream That She Shrunk To Ant Size.
Now She Hates Ants.
When I was little there was a this bush and it was infested with lady bugs... I thought they were killer bees some how and so I was on a mission. A mission to save the world! I would mix water,mud, lotion, and anything I could fild and put it on them thinking I'd save the world.
When I was eight I saw a HUGE slug in my aunt's backyard. The summer before that I saw a tiny slug in my front yard. That didn't bother me but after seeing the huge slug I was grossed out over both of them. I would imagine my house being taken over my slugs and the slugs crawling up my nose and I'd be INCREDIBLY grossed out. I kept thinking there were slugs in all my food and this lead to problems because I refused to eat anything besides stuff like popcorn and lollipops because I knew slugs couldn't get in there. I got over it after I told my dad and he kept insisting when I would cringe upon seeing food that slugs were not infesting my food.
I used to believe worms at ginat teeth and when it rained they were looking for people to eat. I was 11!!!!!! I wanted to un over each worm with my scooter
i used to believe that there was snakes behide walls
i thought spiders could fly on their webs in the fall. my aunt is to blame for this..i also thought the would come back and haunt me if i killed one.
At night if i kept the fan on it would keep the mice from crawling up and spiders from biting me.
I used to think that a spider would come into my room at night and eat me
When i was a kid until now that i am 26 years old i fear cockroaches. when ever i see one there is some feeling of discomfort from within and i start shouting and jumping
When my sister and I were both younger, I used to scare the crap out of her whenever there was a bug nearby because I'd tell her that they'd all get on her skin and bite her and that they'd...SUCK YOUR BLOOD!
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