i used to believe

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I heard once that if you peed on a worm, the worm would exact his revenge by exuding a gas that would make your penis swell up. Fortunately for worms and my karma, I never experimented (probably I was just afraid it would turn out to be true).

Sam Suhr
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My Best friend is 21 and stupidly scared of moths because when she was younger her brother told her if a moth touched you you would turn into a boy...

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i still don't know why earthworms do this, but when i was little it really concerned me--after alot of rain, worms would emerge from the ground and lay almost unmoving in the puddles. thinking they were injured/sick/dying (were they just taking a good soak?), i would open up the "worm hospital" and take steps to save their lives. sometimes i would move them to higher ground; sometimes i would re-bury them; sometimes i would put two close together, thinking they weren't moving because they were lonely.

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I used to believe that moths circled lights at night trying to find a way out of the world!

Diane D.
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My father told me when I was little that if I stayed in the bathtub too long the "drain spiders" would come up and get me. I was deathly afraid of spiders. I believed this until my early teens. Thanks dad.

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i used to believe that if i didnt get out of the bathroom after 5 seconds of flushing the loo, spiders would come from nowhere and crawl all over me

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i was always afraid to squish a bug with the fly swatter because i thought a bigger fly would come and hurt me

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My brother from Texas brought his wife and two boys to visit one summer. The youngest (age 5)was fascinated with the chicken coop in the back yard. The coop was surrounded by these tall pine trees. So my mother and I took him inside the coop where the top of it was covered with pine needles. Once inside, he noticed a Praying Mantis on the side of the chicken wire and thought it was cool and went to touch it, my mother told him not to because the Mantis will "spit" at you and you'll go blind! Right at the moment, a pine needle fell from the chicken wire above us and grazed his cheek and my nephew went berserk! Screaming "I'm gonna go blind, I'm gonna go blind!"

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I thought that snails were created when it rained somehow as I only saw them when it rained.. I thought they came out of the sky.

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I use to believe that if you stepped on a spider, it would pee, then it would lose its eyes, then it would explode, so every time I stepped on a spider I would run away.

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A kid at my summer camp told me that a black widow spider was the size of a house and that you needed a hundred bullets to kill one.

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I grew up in California and we dont have Fire Flies here. When growing up my mom made them out to be like fairies. So when I finally saw a mass of them I was in pure terror. This was at the age of 23.

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whenever I spotted a dock spider or leach up at the cottage (these are both large to begin with) I used to imagine that there must have been a mother to each of these creatures that was at least the size of me! Believing these giant mother insects might be residing under the dock, we also avoided stepping on the cracks between the dock planks so she wouldn't know we were there.

canadian cottage kid
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I managed to convince my younger brother when we were driving home one night, that the loose gravel being thrown up by the wheels was really a type of beetle that lived along the roadside, and was attracted to the headlights as we passed.

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When I was little sow bugs, the little gray bugs that curled up when poked, were called rolly-polly's. I didn't know when I had first heard them called that, so I figured that I had invented it. I was very impressed that a word I invented was so popular with everybody.

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When I was a kid in New Orleans, at night I would see roaches scatter from the front porch. I would also smell a beautiful smell that wasn't there in the daytime when the roaches weren't around. My science teacher gave a talk about pheronomes and I was convinced that was why the roaches smelled so good. It wasn't until years later that I learned my grandmother had night blooming jasmine growing around the porch and was a little sorry to realize that roaches didn't really have much redeeming social value.

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I grew up in an old farmhouse with old windows. We were always squishing bugs. Sometimes, my Mom would sometimes just flush them down the drain without squishing them, a practice that I was always very leery about. I was sure (and am still not entirely UNSURE) that all we were doing was contributing to the creation of a super-race of bugs that would be much more resilient to our squishing and flushing practices.

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I used to think that the gas meter made ants

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I always remember Believing that slugs and snails came down from the sky when it rained, and I always wondered why I never got hit by one, I believed this till I was about 12.

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My brother ate a spider in the garden and my mum told me and my brother that it would crawl out of his bellybutton. I told all my friends because i was convinced it was true.

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