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I used to believe that a Gammon was a fish. Im 17 and i only found out it wasnt like a couple of months ago.
When I was a kid, I was told that if you wore your shoes backwards, a bear will come and eat you.
I used to believe that chipmunks were just baby squirrels.
top belief!
My dad once told me that the giant rolled-up hay bales that we would pass as we drove through the countryside were elephant poop. I believed that until I went on a 7th grade trip to the zoo.
top belief!
I used to genuinely believe that cowlicks came from cows licking you. I was probably three when we passed a pasture and I asked "is that the cow that licked me?" I will never live that down.
top belief!
my dad told me that mountain sheep had legs shorter on one side so they could stand on slopes, but this meant if they turned around and tried to walk the other way, they fell over. i believed him
top belief!
cantaloups are baby antelopes
top belief!
I used to believe that sharks lived under the pools where the air vents were.
top belief!
That there was one dinosaur still left - the Rhinosaurus. When my teacher told me it's pronounced "rhinoceros" I thought, "poTAYto/poTAHto, it still looks like a dinosaur to me."
When I was four or five, I was sitting in the car with my whole family when my brother asked my grandpa where jaguars (the car) were made. I was surprised that animals were made in different countries so I asked "where are elephants made?" It took me a few years before I realized why everyone in the car was laughing at me!
I was so terrified after seeing Jaws that I thought my room would fill up with water and Jaws would eat me in my sleep.
I believed that kissing a toad would give you warts, but it never stopped me from a dare.
I used to believe that i could talk to goats because i would make goat noises that sounded simluar to "come here" and they would come towards me...
Until I was about 8, I thought chipmunks were baby squirrels.
I used to think that all lions were boys and tigers were girls.
top belief!
I used to like to take my shoes off in restaurants when I was a kid so my parents made up creatures called restaurant turtles that blended in with the carpet of the restaurant but would jump up and bite your toes if you weren't wearing shoes. I believed them for a pretty long time.
top belief!
When I was a toddler my father told me all the bouys at the beach connected into a gate that kept sharks out. This belief lasted until my 2nd year of high school,and I haven't gone in the water since.
when i was 6, my uncle showed me an alive octopus and somehow it ended up twirled its hands around my arms with all those suckers on them. i used to believe him when he said they can still stuck to me even after their dead. i had that fear from that moment on that if i eat octopus or squid, those things will stick onto my stomach. i still refuse to eat them even i am 24 yrs old now.
When I was younger, I thought that deer could only cross the road at a deer crossing sign.
top belief!
When I was little, my dad told me that if I were to put salt on a deer's tail that I could catch it, and keep it as a pet.
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