i used to believe

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I used to believe a pony was a baby horse.

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When I was little I thought rhinoceroses were mythical creatures.

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i used to think that when a fish floated to the top it was sleeping.

Kriket Evens
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When we were little and on a trip, my Dad would keep us quiet by telling us to look for "Spam animals". These were cute little fuzzy creatures with big eyes that lived on the top of hills and where spam meat came from. It would keep me, my sister and brother busy. Sometimes we even thought we spotted some.

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When I was a kid I used to believe that sharks kill by slicing you with their dorsal fin. That was because of it's shape and the the way it looked as it slices through surface of the water. It didn't even occur to me then that they actually ate you.

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I have kept fish all my life, and we have to put stuff in the water that keeps the chlorine in tap water from poisoning the fish. On the bottle, it says it also eliminates nitrate and nitrite, which are bad for fish. Well, I thought these were the same thing as nitrogen, so when I found out that a huge percent of our air is nitrogen, I was terrified, because I thought, That's the stuff that kills fish!

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My mother once said that if I watch an animal poop, I would go blind. I was definitely old enough to know this was a lie at the time but I certainly have never risked it.

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I used to believe that the reason swimming pools had a deep end was because a whale lived there. I assumed that when people came to swim they moved the whale to a different pool for a few hours. I was always scared that they would forget to move the whale and it would be there to eat me when I went swimming.

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When i was a little kid, i vaguely remember seeing camels walking around a big open space. It must have been at a zoo, but i was too young to remember that part and believed for a really long time that I'd seen the camels near my childhood home, in "the wild". I remember being really shocked and confused when i learned that camels were "desert animals" and not actually native to northern Indiana.

Hoosier Camels
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When we were younger and we were travelling on the motorway, if you look into the fields in the summer you can see piles of grass that was collected when they field was harvisted or cut these were all the same shape, round and covered in a black plasticy looking material. Mum told us they were cow eggs !! haha top one

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When I was little, I used to be afraid of the deep end of swimming pools because I thought that people kept their pet sharks there.

Rachel E
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I used to believe that waves were created by angry, hungry whales in the ocean. I made sand cupcakes and put them on a boogy board and let the waves wash them away. I thought that feeding the hungry whales would make them happier and then there wouldnt be any more waves.

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When I was little I used to believe that cows could read your mind by staring at you with their big eyes and they'd know if you had eaten meat and hate you for it. If found guilty they would start a stampede to kill you and avenge the dead cows you ate!

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When i was little, whenever we would arrive home I use to think that if you didn't get into the house quick enough a crocodile would chase you around because he wanted to eat you.

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When I was little, my Dad asked me whether I wanted to go for the Miami Dolphins or the Florida Gators. Not realizing the differences between NFL and SEC football, I assumed they would play each other, so I closed my eyes and imagined dolphins and alligators running around a football field. I definitely didn't want the alligators to eat the dolphins, so for most of my life I switched around football teams, making sure never to cheer for the gators.

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When i was little i had a fish named beebay. When he died, i told my mom to put him in the freezer because i didnt want him to die and that some how the freezer would help. I found him years later still frozen solid in the back corner.

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When I was about 6 my brother found a large egg shaped rock he told me it was a dinosaur egg and that because I was a girl I could sit on it and it would hatch and I could have my own pet dinosaur. I spent all after noon sitting on the "egg" then brought it in the house sat on it at dinner, put it in my bed slept with it and brought it in to school and put it on my chair to sit on it there, at which point my teacher asked what I was doing. I enthusiastically explained when she told me it wasn't really an egg I got mad and threw it on the floor which broke it revealing it was actually a crystal I kept it and still have it.

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i used to think that if u got on a boat in the sea the sharks will attack and tear down the boat and eat you! i still think that lol

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Whenever one of my fish floated belly up to the top of the tank my dad would take it out. He told me that the fish were going to Dr. Fish-a-ma-jig. Not sure why I never realized that the doctor's office was actually located in the toilet.

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My dad told me a haggis was an animal which lived in the Scottish mountains and 1 of its legs are shorter than the others so it could only run round in circles around the mountain which made them easy to catch. I believed this until I was about 14-15

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