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top belief!
I used to believe that the lobsters inside of Aquariums in supermarkets were bought by people and kept as pets.
top belief!
I used to believe that if I got a pet penguin it could live in the freezer.
top belief!
When I was little, my dad told me to "sit there until the cows came home", and I kept looking back at the door waiting for the cows to come through. I always wondered why the cows were never in our house to begin with.
top belief!
When I was little I taught that a volcano was a fish.Don't know why,it just sounded like a fish name.
top belief!
When I was around 8, my sisters told me whenever they went to sleep, they turned into animals and went about their daily business. One of my sisters told me she was a tiger, and the other two who were twins told me they were monkeys. She told me to wait for a minute, then came back with reddish stripes on her arm as proof. I believed this until I was 10.
top belief!
I used to think that if you took an egg from the refrigerator and kept it warm for awhile, it would hatch into a baby chicken. I did try this a few times, but each time I would get impatient and return the egg to the carton.
When visiting my grandparents cabin, I would get bored. To fix this, my grandpa decided to tell me that the squirrel (really just multiple squirrels in the forest) was named Tiny. "Tiny," he said was really a magical little horse (not a pony) that would turn back if I caught it. Wanting to ride it, I'm sure that he and my parents got hours of entertainment watching me chase the squirrels with a bug net.
i used to think ifyou drank out of a glass that any animal had drank out of before washing it you would turn into that animal
top belief!
My sister and I used to believe that pigs didn't have tails. We tried to remove them from our piggie banks. Later, when we were old enough to work on the farm, we helped cut the tails off young piglets. So then we knew that pigs do indeed come with tails.
when i was about 5, my dad told me that instead of horses defecating out of their rear-ends, they did so out of their hooves. i believed this until 6th grade
top belief!
For some reason, my father told me when I was very young that they don't have ducks in America. For years I would relay this interesting 'fact' to people as a piece of trivia, until I asked an actual American "is it weird not having ducks over there?" and was promptly laughed at.
top belief!
When I was 4, my mom told me a story about the time a goat took a bite out of one of her dresses that was hanging out to dry. I took this to mean that goats loved eating clothes, and if I went near them they would surround me and eat all of the clothes I was wearing. I was terrified of petting zoos for years.
top belief!
i have no idea where this believe came from but as long as i can remember i believed that baboons ate through their bums! i didnt find out the truth until i was 20 and was at my parents house and there was something about baboons on tv, and i said "they eat through their bums dont they?" everyone just looked at me really strangely and laughed, they have never let me live it down!
top belief!
When I was around the age of 6, I saw cows walking sideways on the slopes of hills (on the drive going from Sacramento to San Francisco). I couldn't understand how they could walk on something so steep without down the hill, so I asked my father. He told me it was because on the "hill" side of their body, their legs were shorter so they could balance AND that they could only go around the hill in a certain direction. I believed him till I was 10.
When I was little, I thought that the baboon from the Lion King was roughly the size of a human. So, because all the lions were so much bigger than him, I thought that lions were HUGE! To this day I still I get a little disappointed when I see lions real lions and they aren't as huge as I thought they were.
When I was young, I believed in Unicorns. I also believed you could only "see" unicorns as unicorns if you were 'pure of heart' . I wanted to see a unicorn so badly I used to put my hand over white horses foreheads to see if I could feel a horn, just in case I couldn't see it because I was bad.
The amusing thing is, I never totally lost this belief until I was ten or eleven. It was worse then knowing there was no santa claus...or is there?
i used to believe that guerilla warfare was actually huge killer gorillas in the jungles of Viet Nam, leaping out of the trees with huge fangs and murderous intent on our troops. Still have problems seeing them at zoos.....
top belief!
When I was young, about 8 or so we rescued a turtle off the side of the road. I few weeks later my mom came in the house and told him he "ran away." Obviously for some reason I believed her even though turtles are known for how slow they are. I am now 23 and my mom and I were talking about funny stories and she brought up how she ran over my turtle with the lawn mower. She thought I knew.
I used to think there were sharks in the local swimming pool or even in my bath, I always would freak out during swimming lessons.
top belief!
My brother use to chase me around with a shark book and try to stuff this huge blown up picture of a shark in my face all of the time and I'd always scream and run away. I was terrified of the pool, always thinking that somehow magically a shark would come out and eat me, especially in the night time for some reason. I also thought, i don't know where this even came from, that military helicopters would fly over my pool and drop "testing" sharks in my pool for some reason. And sometimes I would take late night showers, and I could never be in the shower at 12 o clock because I always thought that a shark would bust through the wall at that exact time with tsunami water and get me.
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