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top belief!
my mum used to say to me shut the door or you will let a draught in, but i thought she was saying giraffe, and i was terrified that giraffes must be on the loose and very dangerous!
My brother & I visited the zoo with some friends when we were about 7 and 9. One of our friends was a little boy with a very loud shrill voice. While I'm looking at an exhibit I hear him shouting over and over.
"Come look! This rhinoceros has FIVE legs! Look! It's got five legs!"
Of course I had to see this for myself. I got over there and sure enough it had five legs! I yelled
"Hey! It Does have........."
and then it dawned on me.
"No it doesn't."
I swear it looked like another leg though.
My mum used to dry flowers at home by hanging them from string in the kitchen. One day when i was about 4 I found a box of tampons...I thought she had hung mice out to dry by thier tails! Poor mice.
top belief!
Of course i thought flea markets sold fleas!!
i always wondered why anyone would bother to go and get contaminated with fleas!
I believed catbunnies did exist just like we have mules etc until I was like 14
When i was young there was a long driveway leading out of our farm onto a road. On the other side of the road was a forest. My Dad used to tell me that giant Bulls and Cows used to live and roam in the forest and that they werent too friendly. I always believed him, and although i have not since looked for them, the myth hasnt been proven(or disproven) since!
I used to believe that the twinkling of the stars made the sounds that crickets made.
I used to believe that horses laid eggs. No one ever corrected me...
top belief!
When I was younger I really wanted a pet chinchilla. My parents were against the idea so one night after dinner to stop my questioning my dad told me the reason I couldn't have one was because they were vicious. He explained that a friend of his had a chinchilla and when he went out of town his house keeper accidentally left the lid off of its cage. As the house keeper was vacuuming, the chinchilla escaped and ate her leg off.
For years I believed this without questioning. I actually kept up that belief until a friend of mine mentioned wanting one in middle school. I told her that that was a horrible idea and went on to explain the story. It wasn't until after I had finished that I realized how ridiculous that story was.
When I was 5 or 7 years old, i used to believe that lions are made in a factory.
I used to believe that ponies were baby horses. And by "used to" I mean "until yesterday." I am 29. I am also an idiot.
top belief!
iv no idea where this believe came from but as long as i can remmeber i was convinced that baboons ate through their bottoms! im 20 now and only realised this wasnt true a few months ago when i said in a (rather random) conversation about baboons in front of my entire family " i think its weird how they feed through their bums" and they couldnt stop laughing
I used think that squirrels were burying their poop when they really were burying their nuts. I thought that they all ran away from me when I approached them because I watched their friends "burying their poop."
I sused to believe dinosaurs lived in my walls.
My dad used to tell me that the tails of lizards would detach on its own and wriggle into humans' ears as and when they wish to. That really freaked me out. Even till now, I'd sleep with my ears covered. Haha!
i used to belief that pigs and sheep hid in my wardrobe at night to scare me
top belief!
For the longest time I thought that unicorns had simply become extinct...that is until I mentioned it in my freshman a lecture.
When I was a child we had rats in our attic that always did alot of scurrying around at night. I would lie in bed and think that they must be playing baseball up there. Because it sounded like they were running the bases. I imagined them with little miniature caps and gloves and bats. I had a vivid imagination.
top belief!
When I was little I didn't like moths, they were annoying and ugly. Then I heard this story~
One day all the little angels in the sky were sad, so sad that they were crying, they wanted to make a beautiful rainbow for the people on earth but didn't know how to color it.
On this very same day the very vain, and beautiful butterflies were hosting a family reunion, all the butterflies invited their cousins, the moths, who were even more beautiful and colorful than the butterflies.
The angels decided to call upon the butterflies with the suggestion that perhaps if they only gave up a little color each they could make their rainbow. The butterflies being vain as they were adman refused and laughed hautily at the sad little cherubs. But the moths were kind creatures and decided that if they gave up every last drop of color, they would be able to make a rainbow for the angels and the people of earth.
And so they did, and the rainbow was as beautiful as the moths were on the inside.
I used to believe that lions married tigers.
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