i used to believe

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I believed when young that horses with white faces were sick. My dad a great sense of humour

John Cavanagh
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i believed that moles wore davy lamps on their heads so they could see underground

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hmm i use to believe that turtles come out of their shell... i remember so well i once had a lil pet turtle and it never came outta its shell den i realized its just possible in cartoons tat turtls come out of their shells n run..

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I used to think a tiger was a female and a lion was a male... until I remembered Tony the Tiger.

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I use to believe that every night when we were sitting outside that the fire flys were Tinker Bell and her friends comming to dance for me....

WHo would have thought years later they would make a song about the same thing...

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Growing up, I believed (and would point this fact out to everyone - especially vegans) that cows utters would explode if they were not milked.

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my cousin who is about six is convinced that rabbits can climb trees, everytime i where by the woods he keeps saying that he can see them there

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As I was the oldest, it was my job to warn my siblings of possible dangers around them. One day, mom took us all to the zoo, and we were excited that we were nearing the monkey house. On the way, I explained that the red-assed baboons could breath fire. Mom couldn't understand why the other kids suddenly wanted to leave and got hysterical when we got to the baboon cage. It helped that one of the baboons was throwing a tantrum and screaming. Which made my siblings start screaming, too. Classic.

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when i was 5 i wished to have a penguin and i used to believe my mum would buy me a penguin(real one) and keep it in the refrigerator until i open it and be suprized

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from the nursessy rhyme baa baa black sheep i somehow got the idea that as white wool came from white sheep and there were black sheep so black wool came from them that there was sheep of every colour from which we got every colour of wool. When i went to a farm on a school trip i excitedly asked the farmer if he had a pink sheep.

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I used to believe that the 'duck crossing' and 'deer crossing' signs on the side of the road were actually put there by the ducks and the deer. I remember asking my mother how ducks and deer learned to read.

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I used to think supermarkets used to cross-bread farmyard animals with lions because you would always see Pork Lion (loin) and Beef Lion on the shelves

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When I was younger I lived by Grain Alligators (grain elevators) and had always wondered how the alligators had gotten into the tall concrete buildings and how people got the grain in with out getting eaten.

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I used to belive my Dad when he told me that all the sea creatures come onto land to go to sleep at night. When on holiday I used to sit staring at the shore at dusk waiting for the animals to start pouring out...

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when i was little (perhaps only 2 or 3) my older sister had me convinced that i had a mouse living in my head. this, she explained, was why i got the sniffles all of the time. she further explained that the only way to rid my head of said mouse was to take a cabbage, cut it in half and sleep with my ear against it; this way the mouse would leave for a better environment & no harm would come to it or my brains. this went on for about a year, until one day we had to explain to our mother why there was a head of lettuce in my bed. . .

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I was talking to the people today (07/05/18) about a rabbit I saw on my back porch when the youngest co-worker, Norman, commented that he disliked rabbits because they dug holes in his yard to lay their eggs.
I said, "You must be thinking of the Easter Bunny because a rabbit is a mammal and mammals don't lay eggs, except for the platypus."
He was so convinced he was correct that he Googled the information. Of course, he was embarassed to find he was incorrect. He said his neighbor had told him that rabbits lay eggs and he never thought to question it.
I am going to show him this post on Monday.

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I new a girl in highschool who thought that lobsters could speak. Apparently, as a small child her biological father hid behind a lobster tank and repeated everything that she and her sister said, like a parrot. Later, after she was adopted, she would run up to lobster tanks at the grocery store and speak to them, earnestly expecting a response. It took her adopted folks a while to figure out why.

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When I was 2, my family went to Galveston for vacation. I had just seen the movie "Jaws" and was terrified of sharks. While sitting on my dad's lap on a tube in the ocean, I asked him where the sharks were. He told me that they hold them back with a net. I completely freaked out, because all I could imagine was Jaws tearing through the net to get to me. To this day, I have an unnatural fear of sharks...

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MY Mum once told my sister and I that cows on hill were a special breed that had two legs shorted then the others so the didn't fall down the hill.. My sister believed until she was about 15

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When I was 8, my nanny told me that when it rained while the sun was out, that somewhere a gorilla was giving birth.

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