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When I was little I used to think that some children turned into animals, which was where I thought pets came from
When I was little I used to believe that each and every animals sound, was its name. Like, for example; a cat, instead of saying "meow", would say "cat", and a bird would not say "tweet", or "chirp", but "bird". What was I thinking?
When I was a kid, I didn't know that sheep would have their wool shaved off. I thought a sheep with wool was one kind of animal and a sheep without wool was a totally different animal.
For some reason I used to believe that they weren't REAL cows unless they were black and white dairy cows. I have no idea what I thought the other cows were but I know I didn't classify them as proper cows.
i used to believe unicorns were real and when they get old theyr horns came off
When I was quite young, my sister told me there were alligators in the river near our home. I believed this until, at age 24, I was directing a youth canoe outing on that very river and told them not to get in the water because the alligators would eat them. One bright young fellow informed me that it was way too cold where we were for alligators to thrive in the rivers!
when i was a little girl. we would jaws on our 2 huge couches and when it was over i would totally refuse to step foot on the ground. I would not get off the coach because i thought that if i did step on the fllor, a shark would eat me.
I used to believe that brown cows were actually normal cows that had been sitting in the sun for a long time and got a tan
i used to believe that a marmoset was a fictional animal only on the ren and stimpy 21 years old, and just figured out that it was an actual animal last year when i went to the zoo.
Till I was about 5 I believed that the partners of wolves are foxes and that they make babies together.
When I was about 5 or 6, my brother told me that bats like to swoop down and make nests in your hair. I think I still believe that one!
when i was 6, i used to believe that unicorns were just poor horses that mean people had thrown nasty ice cream cones on their forehead. when my mom told me unicorns didn't exist, i told her that there was no such thing as unicorns just mean people. i still believe in unicorns.
I used to believe that sheep had one leg shorter than the other so they could stand on hills. I believed that until i was 18!
I used to believe (when I was a 5 yr. old little girl) that if my bedroom door was open a big panda bear was going to come padding up the stairs and into my room and maul me to death. Little girls are SUPPOSED to think pandas are cute and adorable, not I, not I.
when i was 5 or 6 i used to beleave id get the strength of the animals if i drank their blood
My best friend in high school had an older sister who continued to have odd beliefs about various animals long into her adulthood. To make it all more interesting, she had a habit of mentioning them seeming with no reference to whatever else we might have been talking about at the time.
The one I recall most easily was when she just dropped the statement "Sheep turn into goats." one time while we were trying to figure out what movie we wanted to go see that night.
Polar bears eat mostly ice cream, and sometimes fish fingers.
When I was a little kid, I asked my mother about the balls of leaves up in the trees.
She told me that they were squirrels nests.
From then on, i believed that squirrels laid eggs.
I refused to believe that squirrels gave birth to live young in their nests. I would then defiantly argue and tell the person that squirrels built nests so that they could lay their eggs in them.
This isn't actually my belief, but my brother in law's. We were watching something on the Discovery channel one night, and apparently it had something to do with sloths. So of course they had footage of the sloth eating and swimming and hanging on a tree branch. Well, my brother in law came down stairs and was like "What kind of animal is that?"
"A sloth," I replied.
"No way," he responded, "Nu uh! Are you serious?"
"Yes, and they're so slow that they have slime growing on their fur."
"Wow. I thought sloth was just something they made up in the Bible when they were talking about lazy people."
(Note: he's like 15 years older than me...)
I used to think that bears laid eggs! I always pictured bears sitting on enormous nests, just like chickens.
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