i used to believe

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I used to believe that zebras have detachable stripes.

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When I was child I used to believe some wolves want to eat my foot when my foot go's out from blanket . For that I used to use blanket even in summer.

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When I was a child, I believed that Stuart Little was real and I always wanted to have one.

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When I was a child I would eat sugar with milk in powder , I would open the closet and taked my favorite books, but the closed had key and I would open with tricks.I used to read all the time my Harry Potter books and my mother hid my books because I would read again and again this books. When she gave me my Lord Of The Rings book, again she hid that book. . I didn’t use to understand why people were not inside of the TV when I would open the TV and yes I was very curious when I was a child.I remember that when I would play wuith my cousin Robinson he used to hit me whith his ball also I remember that I would go at cousin’s house we would play football soccer in the videogame Pro Evolution Soccer of playstation all the time.

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I used believe sharks lived in the mediterran sea

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When I was 8 year old, I used to belive that flies borned if you left a piece of meat out of refrigerator for three days.

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I used to believe a mouse lemur was a type of a rodent.

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When I was about 6 years old my teeth began to fall and I was surprised and I felt bad because I had toothache .
Mi mom told me to put a tooth under the pillow there was a mouse used to eat teeth of children in compensation for that the mouse would leave money to me .
At that time I though it was a rewards and it was not bad for the teeth to fall. One day left my tooth under the pillow the next day I woke up early and I was looked for my rewards and I was sorprised when I raiced the pillow and I look one bill . I was happy I remembered .
I told with mi cousin about that , he was 5 years old I remembered that he was jealous .
One day I heared my aunt to talk whith my mom and told her about that mi cousin had removed 2 pieces of theeth he put it under the pillow he told her mom that never appeared money .
after morning he was bleeding she had to take him to the dentist After that mi mom told me not to tell anyone and my mom continúe the lié she told me that ,the only the mouse leaves money to goog children .
After that she told me the true when I was 10 years old.
It was so funny .

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My little brother once believed all animals produced milk, not just mammals.

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For some reason when I was little, I thought camels were colossal and that their humps were like real mountains! I also knew whales were big but didn't know they were THAT big.

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When I was a lttle girl, I used to believe there was a shark in the swimming pool. One day my parents fortunately told me that sharks lived in the sea!

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When I was a little boy, I used to believed that all the hedgehogs were in the family of Sonic and I thought they can run as quickly as him.
And when I went in the garden, I saw an hedgehog and I said to him :"RUN guy run", and .... he didn't move !!! :'(

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When I was a little boy I used to burn ants with a magnifying glass until my tree was in fire so I stopped that because my dad was very angry

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I used to think that all skunks were male because my older sister once told me only boys stink, and girls don't

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My older brother once told me that Aussie shampoo was made from kangaroo pee. I avoided using it for years!

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I used to think that adult kangaroos were called Kangas and that child kangaroos were called Roos.

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I used to think that kangaroos were the only animals that have a pouch

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I used to think that birds and dinosaurs were the only animal that laid eggs.

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I used to think there was an animal that was called an ena, and that there were 2 types of enas; the high ena, and the low ena

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When I was a kid my parents told me the animals laying on the side of the road were just taking a nap since the road was warm

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