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I was made to beleive (when very young) that rabbits lived by the road side and threw stones at cars going too fast, if the where really angry they threw large stones which sometimes cracked the windscreen.
I used to believe that cows mooed out of their ears-because my older sister told me they did.
I wanted a horse when I was a little girl of 4 or 5. There were a lot of westerns on television in the mid to late 1950's and after every big battle there were always horses walking around with bridles and saddles...and they didn't have owners anymore. I decided that I would go out west, when I got a little older, and get me one of these "free" horses. Little did I realize that since I lived on the west coast of Washington state I was already "out west" and the wars I saw on television had occured in the previous century. There were no horses free for the taking.
When I was little, a whale sadly died somewhere along the Delaware River (between Pennsylvania and New Jersey). Well, they buried the whale in the local landfill in Deptford, NJ. Since the landfill is shaped sort of like a whale, I thought the ENTIRE landfill was the whale. I couldn't fathom how the ocean could hold so many HUGE whales. To this day, I get teased everytime we ride by the landfill.
When I was little, I had a bunny, whose name was bun-bun. He was brown. Anyway. I once left a salad next to him and when I came back, it was gone. My mother proceded to point out that the salad was inside of him. Thus, I believed, untill I was in third grade, that salad was evil becuase you had to cut open bunnies to get salad.
When I was little, my dad would take me fishing. He would always tell me to put my hand over my mouth when I talked because the fish could read lips and understand everything that we said. After that, until I figured out that fish couldn't read lips that is, I was always very careful about what I said while we fished and kept my hand over my mouth at all times.
I grew up in Toronto, one of the few places where almost all the squirrels in the city are black. There were so few grey squirrels that kids used to say that grey squirrels had rabies and if there was one on the playground, we'd all run inside screaming. Then I moved to New York. All of the squirrels were grey. It was the scariest place I'd ever been to.
when i was small, i saw some olives on a shelf and asked my big sister what they were. she told me that they were little animals like fish and that the red bits were their tongues! im 14 years old and still believed that until i was told in science 2 days ago that its not true! my sister still denies this!
I used to believe that cows slept underground.
I think my parents must've told me they slept "on the ground," but I didn't heat them correctly...thus the underground belief.
My brother use to chase me around with a shark book and try to stuff this huge blown up picture of a shark in my face all of the time and I'd always scream and run away. I was terrified of the pool, always thinking that somehow magically a shark would come out and eat me, especially in the night time for some reason. I also thought, i don't know where this even came from, that military helicopters would fly over my pool and drop "testing" sharks in my pool for some reason. And sometimes I would take late night showers, and I could never be in the shower at 12 o clock because I always thought that a shark would bust through the wall at that exact time with tsunami water and get me.
My sister and I used to believe that pigs didn't have tails. We tried to remove them from our piggie banks. Later, when we were old enough to work on the farm, we helped cut the tails off young piglets. So then we knew that pigs do indeed come with tails.
When i was little, (4 or so) i convinced myself that snails only ate apple peels.
I have no idea why.
I used to think there were polar bears in poland when I was 6
if you got sprayed by a skunk you had to have a bath in tomarto sauce
I thought Sea Monkeys were really little monkeys, like on the package, but that they were just so so small, you couldn't really see any details.
When I was small my mother told me that if you pick up a guinea pig by its tail its eyes would fall out. I spent many hours crying about the poor guinea pigs which I loved. I was quite old, maybe about 13 when I was told they don't have tails.
Until I was 8 or 9 I thought you could tell venomous and non-venomous snakes apart based on the simple fact that poisonous snakes can talk.
I guess they never should have let me watch "Jungle Book".
When i was in kindergarden, this boy and i had a huge argument b/c he didnt belive that dolphins were real, so until about 2nd grade i thought dolphins were fictional until we went to Sea World and saw a few.
I used to believe reindeer made it rain because for many years it rained on christmas eve night.
I go to summer camp and one of my best friends was really scared of deer. This is because she thinks they come up and nibble at your nose, looking all cute, but then they surprise you and rip your face off & eat it
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