around the house
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When I was a child I used to believe that the handle of my parent's bedroom was alive during the night. I could see every night the same show: 2 little metal people were talking about us.
When I was a kid I thought that most people did not wear pajamas top bed. Obviously some other people did because pajamas existed and you could buy them in stores. But, for some reason, I thought most people just wrote regular clothes to bed. Our family was different somehow.
I believed that the lady that you heard announcing the time on the phone literally sat at her job in front of a microphone, around the clock without stop, 24/7. I wondered how she ever slept or ate.
top belief!
As a toddler, I was particularly interested in the secretive little bird that lived inside the cuckoo clock on our living room wall. When he wasn't peeking out of his little door to announce the hour, I believed that he spent most of his time performing very complicated tasks to operate the clock and to keep it running accurately.
top belief!
I thought that the sign for "babies can't use this toy" which depicted a frowning baby face with a line through it meant "no sad babies allowed".
When i was younger, i used to run in the corridor when the light was off because i tought a monster was going to attacked me
The clear tape dispenser on my 1st grade teacher's desk fascinated me. Since we didn't have a tape dispenser at home, I didn't know how they worked. So I surmised that the tape dispenser itself was what created the tape - out of thin air and in unlimited amounts. I begged my parents to buy me a tape dispenser because I had so many ideas of things I could make if I had unlimited tape. My hopes were crushed when I eventually witnessed my teacher opening the dispenser, throwing out the empty tape spool, and putting in a new one.
When I was a child, I used to believe that inside a lamp, there was fire
When I was a child I used to believe that if some shoe was upside down, someone in my family could die.
top belief!
I thought US mail imprinted on the mailbox on the mailbox meant "us" mail or "our" mail for my family.
I also thought the traffic on the highway were vehicles going from and to the same place my family was travelling.
Self-centered, I know. Lol.
top belief!
The ping-pong table was Table Tennis
The air hockey table was Table Hockey
The foosball table was Table Soccer
So the logical conclusion is that the pool table was Table Golf.
When i was little my brother told me there was a man named georg who would kidnap me if i left my bedroom windows open
I used to think the stairs in our house had feet, because sometimes i would hear people say "Well i'll go to the foot of our stairs" when they were surprised at something.
I used to believe that when i was 6 years the money comes from the tree leaves at the forest. After shaking a tree then money will fall down hence the adults pick those money, the one who has got many money has got high speed of picking those fallen money!
I used to think you needed a special license to call someone a dummy
My sister thought that cars didn't actually move. Instead, the whole world moved around us and a car was some magic object that made it happen somehow. Even stranger, she didn't think that the objects just traveled, moreover that they got up and walked with legs like people do. To her, it was such an adventure, as if the whole world was marching parade style past the windows every time we drove somewhere. Can you imagine how fun the world must have been in her head?
I used to believe that all the things in Earth were alive. So, I was used to making friends everywhere, either a plush, a fork or even a line in a glass. And I used to speak with them when I was alone, like "Hello Mr. Sun, How are you today? " and I answered to myself like "I am very good thanks for asking".
When I was 5, or 6, my older cousin told me something that scared me. He said that the big vacuum cleaner that my mom used was a monster and that if i got too close to it, I would get sucked into it and I'll be stuck in it for the rest of my life. Whenever my mom would vacuum, I would be standing on my bed and when i got close to the vacuum cleaner I would start screaming and crying!
When I was a kid, my dad would warn us not to break the TV screen because it would implode. I didn't know what implode meant, so I assumed he meant explode. I was often afraid to sleep near it, because I thought it would blow up.
I used to think that when you bought something off the internet you payed by taking apart the monitor and putting coins in.
Then when I found out that you used a credit card I thought that you had to put the credit card in the CD slot.
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