i used to believe

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When I was 3 years old, my sister and I used to play in the basement of our old house, where my parents had built a play area. However, when my sister was fed up playing with me, she would want to be left alone, but soon discovered that I wasn't that easy to get rid of!

So she told me that there was a colony of wild, vicious, ferral cats living in our guest bedroom, and that they would attack me if I went in. When she was tired playing with me, and wanted to read, she would then retire to the guest bedroom and get undisturbed reading time in peace and quiet.

I was terrified of the guest bedroom. This belief was exploded when my mother tried to take me in there - I can't remember what for - and I cried and struggled and protested. She asked me what was wrong, and I told her that the wild cats would kill me. Where on earth did you get that idea, she asked - and a huge smile formed on her face as I told her it was my sister, and she realised for the first time just how clever and cynical kids could be!

I still remember being scared of the room after, and quite resentful of my sister!

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When i was younger i used to believe by pushing the red bulb on a glass temperature the temperature would rise. so one day i was curiouse and decided to press it as hard as i can, and guess wat, it broke i ran around screaming thinking i was bleeding to death because of the red fluid, suddenly i got hot(because i was in fear) then once the hospital guy came he inspected my thumb for glass then wrapped it up like a plum.after that i promised myself i would never do that again, a month later i found the truth luckilly.

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When I was about ten and my parents first gave me a key to the house, I was often the first to come home in the afternoon. I would find the day’s post already on the shelf in the hall instead of on the door mat, and I thought the postman must have had very good aim: he appeared to have posted it through the letter box, and it had flown across the hall and landed on the shelf! Eventually I realised that at least one of my parents must still have been at home when he came.

Alan, Sheffield
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When I was little, I used to think my bed would take me to Hy-Vee

Tiff S.
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When I was little, I would always stay over at my next door neighbor's house. She had a day bed with a canopy and it had a pull out bed underneith it. We were always afraid it would rain and the person who slept under the canopy would stay dry, but the one who slept on the pull out one would get wet! It got to the point where her mom would make us draw straws to see who got which bed.

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I used to believe that staplers were called, "Habits." I thought if you tried to touch them near where the part that the staples came out of, they would chomp down and bite your finger off. I thought that the finger would then dissapear in the stapler and grow back on the person, all in a split second.

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When i was really little I used to believe that there is a hidden world in between the walls of the rooms in our house and that's where cartoon characters like he-man live. I often used to press my ears to the walls trying to hear sounds from the other world.

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My granny had air vents in the floor of her house. She always told me never to drop anything in them or the house would blow up. Then one day I accientally dropped one of my toys in it, and I screamed and cries and tried in vain to retrieve it. The I told her what had happened saying we needed to get out of the house and all she said was "Well..maybe we'll be ok."

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When my sister was about five, she overheard my parents talking about the drafts in our house. I guess she must have misheard them, because when her teacher was teaching them about animals and mentioned giraffes, my sister insisted that she had a bunch of giraffes at home. She held to it steadfast, and couldn't be convinced otherwise.

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Background: in my childhood room, there was a Gothic-style chandelier. It looked like the ones typically found in old Cathlic churches.

When I was a kid, I used to believe that the chandelier could grow pointy spikes which could then fall on me. As a result, I was scared s**tless to walk under it.

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When I was little my Mom bought a little percolator that looked just like the big one they used on the stove. I thought that the little pot was the big pot's baby..When I asked my Mom, she told me it was true.

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When I was about 3, and in the middle of the night, I used to genuinely believe that the sound of my parents snoring and the location of their dresser against a sort of diaganol (sp) wall near the entrance to their closet, which was also at an odd angle, all conspired to mean there was a large cow that lived in the space by the dresser and the closet, and that it was making the loud snorting noise. I had just been moved to farm country in Iowa, and before that was aquainted with a cow in Florida, so there's a chance I felt very familiar with cows (lol). I did not have any thoughts about the cow in the daytime, and I was vaugely afraid of it at night- my bedroom was across a double-doored bathroom from my parens room, and when I woke up in the night, I liked to cross through the bathroom and go sleep with them. The trouble was, I always had to hesitate a little and cross quickly by the 'cow' before I could get in bed with them. How I explained the noise coming from them once in the bed I have absolutely no idea, nor when I realized this was snoring. There's a chance this somehow only happened once, but I have it vividly ingrained in my mind.

I had a rich imagination apparently. (Still do...oops.)

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I used to believe that there was a tiny soldier in the electric outlet, because one time I stuck my finger in the outlet and it felt like a pin poked me. I imagined a guard with a bayonet inside guarding the wall or something.

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I used to think that everything had a soul, including buttons, pebbles, bits of fluff etc. So whenever I lost a button off a shirt, or my mum went to throw away a piece of fluff, I would "rescue" it and keep it in a drawer in my room so that they could all talk to each other and have friends.

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I used to think that if you left a vaccume cleaner switched on when it was standing upright it would eventually suck through the floor and continue down through the earth.
I asked my mum about this once and she told me it was true!

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I used to be afraud to pull sn electric pluc because I thought my whole family would be sucked into the outlet.

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When I was about age 4 to age 9, my parents kept a piggy bank in the livingroom. The piggy bank was about 2 feet tall and was actually a big frog with big googly eyes. I used to have nightmares about the frog chasing me, so when i used to get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, I would never look into the living room. I believed that frog was out to get me!

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When I was young I thought when you got electrocuted you will get some kind of poison.So when I got electrocuted I drank lots of water to wash the poison off.

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When I was about 4 we had an older refridgerator that made a funny squeaking sound when the motor ran. My mom told me it was the mice on the exercise wheel that made the fridge run. I believed her for years.

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My mother would tell me when I was young, that if I didn't take my galoshes off at the door and wore them inside the house I would go blind.

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