around the house
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At night, my mom would roll up a towel and put it infront of the door. She said it was to keep the 'draft' out, but for the longest time I could not understand how a 'giraffe' could fit under the door!
When I was about four years old, I had a morbid fear of the electrical outlets. I believed that they skittered around on the walls like cockroaches after the lights went out, and if they got too close they would try to tie up unsuspecting people in their electrical cords.
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I had two twin beds in my room and until I was 6, I refused to sleep in the one closest to the wall, because I knew if a car came slamming through the wall, it would hit that bed first and I'd be safe. Never mind that my room was in the middle of the house on the second story.
i believed that a little man in the fridge turned the light off and on when you shut and opened the door. I was always trying to open the door quick enough to see if i could catch him at it...never did catch that rascal.
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When I was little I used to spend lots of time with my dad since my mom worked and he didn't. Usually that meant that i was in the garage a lot and dad was always hammering something. Until I was about 8 I thought that hammers were called dammits because that's what he usually said when he was using one.
When I was about 5 or 6, I was always afraid of having too much balloons in the house or the car. I thought that if there was too much balloons, the car or house would float into space and carry us with it.
I had a dark red carpet in my room, and for some reason only after I'd gotten into bed, it would become shark infested. They would have eaten me, but for my cunning plan of placing books on the floor so I didn't have to stand in the water. My mum thought it was funny so never corrected me, just giving me more books by my bed so I didn't have to jump as far and possibly land in the water. Mean people
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I used to think that "wall-to-wall" carpeting meant that the entire room had carpet on it, including all the walls.
I used to believe that the spaghetti packages in the kitchen cuboard used to multiply every month or so. i never figured that my mom buys groceries and puts the spaghetti in the cupboard.
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I used to believe that "elbow grease" was a tough kind of grease that you smeared on your elbow to get tough stains out.
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when i was 4 or 5 there was this spinning cabnet in our kitchen...and i used to think fraggles lived in the part of the cabnet i couldnt see. so when nobody was around i would talk to them hoping they would talk to me because fraggle rock was my favorite show.
When I noticed that the plugs on electrical appliances are often marked “Fused”, I thought that meant that they had blown a fuse.
I have no idea where she got this, but my little sister (who's four) took it into her head that umbrellas were really called rain-a-bellas. Now everyone in my family uses that word instead of boring old "umbrellas".
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I'm 14, and up until this year I thought that at Christmas time when they said "trimming the tree" they actually meant trimming the tree with shears to make the branches more even or something. I wondered why they sang about that in songs...
when i was little, i used to believe that a "self cleaning oven" meant just that...i imagined robotic arms and soap bubbles coming out of the inside of the oven scrubbing the walls and racks...and then water spraying to rinse it and then all of it neatly dissapearing again when it was finished. i never saw what really happened because my mom would never let us near the kitchen when she was cleaning because of the chemicals. she kinda laughed when i told her one day but also seemed very slightly annoyed that she never got credit for working so hard to clean it all those times cause i thought it was automatic!!
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I believed that if you left a electric plug socket on the house would catch fire BUT if you rubbed toothpaste into the wall around it, you'd be safe.
My great-uncle Ben (who was actully a friend of the family) died when me and my brother were quite little. We used to think that if we got to the attic, then we would be able to see him. We weren't aloud to go to the attic, so we designed some contraptions to get us up there. I put some food (camernbert cheese) in a bag, incase we were there for a long time, but the cheese went off!
We also used to beleive that the heater under the stairs was his heart, because it was coverd in red plastic, but it couldn't have been, because it was the same size as him!
When we were children we somehow believed that we could dig tunnels under our house. Not only did we think that we could accomplish this, but we thought we could connect our tunnels to our cousin's house in a different state. We were so excited for the time when we could simply walk through the tunnel to their house in a short time instead of having to drive 6 or 7 hours.
We spent an entire summer working on this project and never got beyond a three foot hole.
When I was in that "Why" faze all kids go through, and my mom was feeling especially frazzled, she once told me that inside every light bulb there was a fairy, and that sometimes when they burned out, the fairyies exploded, and that was why you could sometimes see a burnt mark on the outside of the lightbulb.
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