around the house
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I used to believe that Scar (from the Lion King - Simba's evil uncle) would follow me upstairs to my bedroom and that he was going to try and kill me. This resulted in me sleeping downstairs for nearly 2 weeks. Psh, I have to be the only kid that The Lion Kind traumatized. Haha.
I once thought "air conditioner" was related with "hair conditioner" and Shamu was related to "shampoo". One day, my hair was R134A'd on one side, R-12'd on the other with Freon (Non-CFC), and oily and greasy from synthetic whale blubber, thanks to my brother. 5 hours later, Mom discovered her Orca statue covered with Pantene Pro-V, and guess what happened to the A/C... Had to spend $50 on cleaning the condensation pipes, compressor, Coolant Recharge Valve, -yikes-
When I was 3 until I was 6, I believed the smoke detector would somehow kill me if it ever saw my hands or my ears at night. Of course this would lead to uncomfortable nights with my head and hands under the blanket, as well as my hands stuffed up my shirt whenever I walked under the smoke detector.
I used to believe that there was an army of teddy bears in my dad's house that would march around when I was sleeping and try to take me.
i used to believe if i walked around my house with out any socks or slippers, i would turn into a garden knome...
top belief!
When I first started helping mom in the kitchen, at about age five, we were making some sort of a batter one day and she let me do the stirring. I wanted to appear smart and not ask any questions so I kept stirring the batter only one way because I was certain that if I went backwards it would turn back into flour, sugar, egg, etc.
If I had to iron I used to think I was the first person to use an electrick iron and I was showing people how to use it! The people were amazed!
When I was about six my mom read me a story about a dragon that lived in a fireplace. We had a clock that made a very loud chiming song at the time and somehow I associated this with the dragon. So every hour when the clock chimed I made sure to be far away from our fireplace and if I was anyplace close by I would freeze until the clock was done chiming. (I guess I thought the dragon could only see me if I moved) After the clock was done chiming, I would go about my merry way.
When I was little our washing machine broke down and someone said, "Oh there's Gremlins in it" I thought there was a huge army of ugly bugs running around inside it!
Whenever I mistreated something (anything, even if I "threw my shirt into the laundry chute too hard") I would pick the object up and apologize to it (heck, sometimes I would apologize to the wall for hitting my elbow on it.) Then I would give it a kiss and gently put it back down. I always felt sorry for the poor clothes that had to be thrown down the laundry chute.
When i was younger around 4 I belive . My dad told me there was a man living in are refrigarator and he turned the lights on in off when we closed the door so one day i asked my dad if i could take all the food out and find him and my dad quickly replyed mom will get mad , i still think he is alive just he lives in are freezer ;)
When I was real little(5?), I had a ceiling fan in my room. I always had it on, winter spring, summer, or fall.. Mainely for two reasons
I was too short to turn it off
and I beleived that a man wasin the attic srewing in my fan eternely, and if I turned off the fan, he would lose he's job
as a child i was deathly afraid that the vaccuum cleaner would suck me up just like it did everything else. the good part is i didnt have to vacuum until i was like 12 or 13
I once told my twin sister that the YKK you see on the zippers was the sign for a zipper making cult...and she believed me.
top belief!
My mother always told me that when we turned on a light switch and the lightbulb blew out, that I we "turned it on too hard". I was in my 20's before I learned the truth.
in my old house, my bedroom had two doors to it, one to the hallway (that no one used) and one to what was then my parents room. i was convinced that monsters were outside of the unused door. then i was convinced jack skellington was there. didnt see all of the nightmare before christmas till a few months ago, and as a little kid, if it was a monster, a skeleton, or anything similar, it was scary.
When i was little i used to believe that my dads trainers were not really trainers they were black lumps with foot holes in and they had black strings to make them tight.
I used to believe that all houses and cars were either boys or girls and had names.
top belief!
I used to think that houses were carved out of huge boulders with a chisel and hammer. I always wondered where they could find so many big boulders.
When i was young when i used to look into a cup and see a reflection i thought it was an actual face in the bottom of the cup that would apper and disappear
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