i used to believe

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top belief!

This goes back to the early 50's. I remember asking my mother how the radio worked (before we had a TV). She said it worked with tubes. I puzzled with that and I imagined a room with walls of tiny hoses or tubes that the announcers spoke into. The tubes must have carried their voices to each person's radio. I had to believe it - my mother told me it was so!

Tim C. in London Canada
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This is sort of a double belief, since one misbelief led to the other.

When I was little, I believed that whenever you plug something in (to an electrical outlet) it would do something special - turn on, make noise, light up, etc. So I would plug random things in to "see what they did". And not just plugs... but l would literally stick random small objects into outlets. Unfortunately, this exploration ended abruptly when I wanted to see what mom's car keys did when I plugged them into the wall. It was some pretty epic fail.

After explaining why "electric" just shocked me and that it travels by metal, and that there were metal wires in our walls carrying electric everywhere, I became deathly afraid of taking baths and showers. I believed that while I was in the shower one of these wires might tough a metal pipe and zap me again. I would bathe as quickly as possible in fear the whole time and sometimes I would just turn the water on and let it run for awhile so my mom could hear and think I was bathing.

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My sister told me that telephone poles got medals for being the best telephone poles. I believed her for years. Turns out, they were serial numbers.

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I, to this day, believe that when I can't sleep at night it means I'm awake in someone else's dreams...

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when i was a kid, i used to believe that when i came down in my living room to drink at night, the TV and computer lights were robots and when i had my back turned they would jump on me. I sometimes still catch myself turning on the light so as not to be scared anymore.

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I used to believe that at midnight, werewolves and giants would appear in our house and walk around. If we weren't asleep, or if we had any body parts hanging out of the covers, they would eat us. Whenever you had to use the bathroom at night, I thought they would give you 90 seconds to go and run back to bed.

Callie P.
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When I was 5 I believed that if you plant a money plant the leaves would eventually turn into money. I would be careful while watering it to not get money wet.

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top belief!

I thought the lazy Susan( spinning wood shelf) on our dinner table was named after my mother. In fact years later I realized other people had one too. But there moms were not named Susan.

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I thought that all of my dolls and stuffed animals were alive and hated me. I only really liked two of the stuffed animals and none of the dolls, but I believed that if they ever figured this out, the unloved ones would kill me. I made sure to look at each one the same amount of time so as not to show favoritism. At night, each one had to be in my bed and touching me so that it felt loved. If any of them stopped touching me before I fell asleep, I was sure that they would kill me. (Yeah, I have pretty significant OCD.)

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In middle school, when we got a new refrigerator, I thought that we had two kinds of water. Regular water and then "light" water. My mom was trying to lose weight and so I told her to drink the light water. I still get made fun of to this day.

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When I was young, just after the dinosaurs died, our TV repairman had two hooks because his hands had been amputated (war injury, perhaps, as it was just after Korea?). He also was the repairman for everyone in the neighborhood. I came to the conclusion, that in order to become a TV repairman, you had to have your hands replaced by hooks, steep price to pay for an occupation.

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top belief!

On my first day of school we did a practice fire drill and where taught how we should line up outside, in front of the school in the event of a fire alarm. What our teacher didn't tell us, however, was that this only applied to school. So...a couple days later when I was at home with my parents, my mom was cooking something when she accidentally set off the fire alarm. I quickly dropped everything I was doing, opened the door and ran outside, expecting that my parents would follow me and we would "line up" in front of our house, just like at school.

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When I was 4, I believed that if I "planted" a lollipop stick in my sandbox, a lollipop tree would grow. I did this in wintertime, and when the weather unraveled the paper from around the stick, I took it to mean that the lollipop tree was actually growing!

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I got in trouble when I was little for taking the 'flat' batteries out of the garbage because they were clearly still round.

Anonymous Whistleblower
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WHen I was a kid i used to believe you could dig to Australia

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top belief!

As a very young kid (around 7 or 8) I got a childrens book called "How to dig a hole to the other side of the world" and I knew my purpose in life. You can actually see several of the pages at Amazon.

Digging everyday after school behind the garage for several weeks got me a hole I could barely climb out of. When my parents finally realized I was actually making some possibly dangerous progress they filled it in as I sobbed uncontrollably. As obviously silly as it is, I'll never forget how upset and bitter I was that day.

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When I was very young, my parents did some renovations on our house. We were putting on a second floor, and since we were staying in a house in a different neighbourhood (that meant I didn't see them building) I thought that to put on a second floor, all one had to do was go to Home Depot and buy one. I thought we had to stay at another house because it was so loud when the second floor got put on that it would hurt our ears.

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I believe that fairies are real. My grown up friend told me
That if i sit in the garden with no one els, and sit there for an hour they would come out. But i did not see anything yet.

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top belief!

When I was very young, my older sister told me that you had to sleep on the same pillow every night or your head would fall off. She even said that once, her pillow accidently got switched with another pillow, and she had to get surgery to reattach her head!

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I used to believe that my mom would just individually memorize the specific washing instructions for every piece of clothing I owned. It never occurred to me that she would just read the instructions on the tag sewn in the back.

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