i used to believe

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When i was younger i used to beleive that i lived in the back garden because i spent so much time out there. When anyone asked me "where do you live?" i used to always repliy "In the back garden" this happened till i was about 9!!!

sexy baby
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When I was eight or nine, my parents went to Egypt for about two weeks. They brought me back a model of King Tut's head, which I put on my dresser. That thing scared the CRAP out of me. I was convinced that this weird King Tut guy watched my every move. I was too afraid of it to take it off the dresser, so I'd hide in my closet every time I needed to change.

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in our kitchen we have a "work top" - a suface where food is prepared, etc. when i was a kid i would sometimes be sat on the work-top, but i used to hate it, cos when i looked down it was one hell of a drop, and i thought "if i fall off i'll die!" even to this day i feel nervous when my 20 month old niece is sat on the worktop, though there is the three of us (me, my mum and sister) keeping near to her

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my dad told me once when the power was off, and i was looking in the fridge...that, "If you keep the door open too long, and the light is off, the food will get mad at you and jump out at you." so, until i was about 11, i always asked someone else to go into the fridge to get something for me.

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Sometimes when I was little I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and I would be walking back from the bathroom in the dark, and I was totally afraid that some burglar had broken into my house, and that the burglar just happened to have a huge vicious dog with him, and that the dog was going to come running up the stairs and attack me at any second. It took me years to be able to go down the hallway in the dark without running!

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I used to believe that there was a very angry lady inside the vacuum cleaner, and when it was turned on, she screamed and screamed. She was angry because we were making her eat the dirt on the floor.

I refused to vacuum for a long time, opting instead to "sweep." Hey, it got me out of vacuuming!

Toni in Yakima
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my friend used to think there was bologny under the driveway because there was a bump in it that made the car bounce.

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When I was little, my sister, my cousin and me would do everythnig together. There used to be a sock hanging from our grandparenrs door. I never figured out why. We used to get scared of it because we thought it was some evil spirit or somethnig. I'm not really sure when we found out it was just a regular sock.

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When i was about 3 i thought that if i jumped on the bed the bed would crash through to the basement because of a story my babysitter read to me.

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I used to believe when you moved, you traded houses with the person that wanted to move into your house. You also kept all their possesions. So i felt sorry for my cousin who moved into a smaller house than she was in before becuase i believed she has gotten ripped off.

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i am still afraid of the webster duster, big, thick fluffy monster that will eat you alive

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When I was really little, I was like 2 and I thought tthat if you snuck out of bed to go to the bathroom than the numbers in the digital clocks (I had one in the bathroom) woud pop out and "take you away" An I called it "the systen" (not a typo) I don't know where that thught came from

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my grandfather and grandmother had an arguement and my grandpa said, "My name is on this house." Meaning that the mortage payments were in his name. I spent hours looking for his name on the house.

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I used to believe every object had it's own feelings and if i dropped it it would be hurt. So if i accidently knocked something over i would have to apologise profusely to it to try and make it feel better. If i was around other people i would try and whisper "SORRY" to the item behind my hand so nobody saw...

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my aunt and uncle had a realy posh vase with a lid and i realy wantd 2 open it. but they told be a little man was in there sleepin and if i opened it i would waake him up and he would bite my finger off. till this day i will not go near that vase!

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My older brother and I use to play hide and seek in his bedroom with the lights off.The idea was to try and find the person in dark.The thing is that i never use to be able to find my brother and the reason he gave me was he had a secret door in his wall that only he could open and thats where he use to go.I believed if for years, which caused me to spend hours sneeking into his room and trying to find this secret door.I never did.

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we had this creepy old oragn in our hallway and i used to think there were giant monkeys living inside that would try to eat me if i went too close to the organ.

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Once my two older brothers told me that we had huge rats with rabies living in our house, and that if you stepped on the floor they'd come out and bite you and you'd get rabies and die instantly. I only walked on furniture until my parents told me the truth...

Can't sleep, rats will eat me...
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I was always afraid to look at a window in our house at night, because I was sure I'd see a pale, bald evil-looking face staring back in. Since there was a window in our shower, I had to cover it up with a hand towel if I had to shower at night.

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There was this pillow with patches in the shape of a dog in my house. I used to believe I made this pillow the day I came back from the hospital (the day after my birth.)????

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