i used to believe

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I used to think that Webster (the feather duster-like tool that you use to get rid of cobwebs) was alive and mean. This was because the packaging had an angry looking face on it. I was always afraid of it.

Cobwebs Galore
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When I was litter, I used to believe that all the cartoon characters lived in my carpet.

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I used to believe (probably from reading to many Famous Five books by Enid Blyton) that every house had a secret tunnel somewhere, you just had to find it. I used to go around tapping walls and things to find them. My suspicions were confirmed when I went on a school trip in primary school to a very very old house, where there were many secrets cupboards tunnels and passages. This made me look even harder when I got home, even though my mom and dad tried to convince me otherwise.

I also managed to convince my sister that when she was asleep at night a tunnel used to open between our house and next door, and the tunnel started above her bed, and I told her stories of how I used to go through the tunnel at night and play games with my neighbours.

We also used to think that it would be really kool if all houses were connected by underground passages that no-one knew about except our friends, so we could visit each other in the night without our parents knowing!

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I used to believe that when you paid the waterbill, you'd only pay for the water that went down the drain.

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one time my dad was going to change the smoke detectors in my house and i saw on the box there was a picture of a fire in someones house . I thought it was to make a fire in your house. I was so confused about why my dad wanted my house to catch on fire. that night i slept under my blackets so the fire wouldnt get me........good thing there was never a real fire

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when I was in kindergarten the teacher was talking about how if you had medicine when you shouldn't it will make you sick. She then said that you should never eat any candy unless your parents give it o you because a lot of medicines look like candy. I wasn't nervous because I could read so I could just read the box to see what it was. She then said that even those of us who can read shouldn't becasue our parents might have dropped medicine into a box of candy. I only believed this for a little bit but what was even worse was that my teacher said this.

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that there was a man in my shed and if i ever went in there he would stab me (my mum told me that one.....THANX MUM)

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my brother use to tell me crazy stuff when i was younger. he is the cause of most of my adult fears. I still can't stand near a microwave when it's on because i know the radiation might leak out and make my head explode.

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All of my childhood, I grew up on a farm in Saskatchewa, Canada. We had a dug-out which is kind of a large man- made pond for our water supply. My parents would tell my brother and I, not to go near the dug-out or else the monster would come and grab my brother and I and suck us into the water. Everytime I would get near the dug-out I would cry. I then would tell all my friends at school about the monster and they would tell me is wasn't true. I would then tell them, they were wrong cause they lived in the city, they didnt know anything about wildlife.

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top belief!

My sister would always tell me that the pink stuff that you put in the walls was poisonous. So if someone ever touched it, they would get this horrible disease and spread it to others if they went near them. But everyone that got the disease would die immediately.

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My house was pretty old, and we got a lot of those noises you hear in older houses. My friend was sleeping over one night, and she told me that there were rabbits in my air conditioning tubes (or whatever a.c. goes through) and that is what made those noises. I believed this until I was 9, and I fell off a chair when I looking through the slats in a vent trying to see the rabbits. I really wasn't the brightest kid around.

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I used to believe that when you moved house, you also obtained all the possessions in that house, and the people who moved into your old house got your possessions and so on. I remember thinking how lucky it was that my cousins had moved into a house that had toys in it rather than that it was a house belonging to people with no children.

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when i was little, my ad told me that if i breathed in the air from the trashcan that i would turn into a mutant. so whenever i had to take it out i would throw a fit. I didn't even figure out that it was a cruel joke till last summer!

Red Rum
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When I was little, we used to keep a spare key in a freezer we had in the garage. My mom would tell me to put it back right after I opened the door. I used to think that was because the key would melt in the keyhole, so I would always put the key back right away. I didn't figure out that it was to hide it from burglars until I was about ten.

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My sister used to believe that a three-piece suite was a sofa with three seats on it. She believe this until the age of 24.

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top belief!

We had a big old mixmaster that I used to help turn while the beaters whirred around. I believed that if you turned the bowl the opposite direction, the batter would unmix. I was afraid I'd get in trouble if I tried it.

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My mom once told me that if I talked into the box fan(to make my voice sound funny) that the motor would overheat and it would explode. I believed that until I was about 15.

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my bedroom has a window that you can easily get in to because it Leads into the porch. and i used to think that a kid napper would brake in and try to kid nap me so i put like 10 stuffed animals under my blanket so i looked really fat so they wouldnt bother trying to pick me up. and every morning i would wake up and say yay it worked!

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I used to wonder why the oven didn't set food on fire!

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my mom told me once what sun beams were. but i thought she meant all the dust you can see when light shines on it, so i called dust that you could see "sun beans"

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