around the house
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I used to believe that dust bunnies was something that would jump out and attack you if the house wasn't kept clean.
Now because of that I am a compulsive house keeper.
We had this couch in our basement that had a picture of a dog carrying a duck in his mouth, stnading next to a pond. When I was little I asked what the doggy was doing with the duck. My mom told me that it was saving the duck because it was drowing. It wasn't until I resently looked at it that I realized the dog was a hunting dog and the duck was...
In the house we lived in the was a gap between the airing cupboard and my bedroom. I used to believe that my dead grandmother lived in there.
When I was growing up I used to believe that the people in the posters hanging on my walls would come to life when I wasn't in the room!!! I used to try to "catch" them by opening the door REALLY fast!!!
I used to be scared to close the windows at night - reaching out across the black space (even when it was only 5 inches) used to freak me out, kept thinking something would reach up and grab my hand - and it wouldn't be a person. I would have to do it really fast or not at all.
I used to believe that if you left the hoover on the same spot on the carpet switched on for too long then it would suck up all the fluff and you'd get a bald spot on the carpet.
I would hoover like a maniac to make sure my mum wouldn't tell me off for ruining the lounge carpet...
Whenever my room was messy my mother would say, "This place looks like a cyclone struck it!" For years I thought there was such a thing as a "cyclone-strukkit".
my grandfather and grandmother had an arguement and my grandpa said, "My name is on this house." Meaning that the mortage payments were in his name. I spent hours looking for his name on the house.
When i was about 8, my bedroom (being the largest) was generally used a s a junk room. My Parents stored random stuff there. I became increasingly terrified of a partlcular portrait that was placed in there, even so that i used to turn it around before bed, so it wouldn't "stare" at me. Funny thing was... it was a portrait of me!!!
I myself for some reason believed when I was younger that sharks or other vicious creatures lived in the carpet...I would run from the kitchen to the couch I would jump on furniture to aviod touching the carpet, I was scared...Now that I'm older and wiser I've got my niece thinking that there are sharks living in the
i used to think that if you left the TV on all night it would explode. it wasn't until i was about 6 or so when i was watching TV with my grandmother that i dared to ask what would happen. where i got that idea i'll never know.
I used to think that a record player would play music because a live band lived in the speakers. I would imagine Blondie & her bandmates at teeny tiny people playing & dancing around in the speakers of our record player. I just couldn't figure out how Blodie would leave & Tom Jones would step in without my noticing them!
me and my friend both believed this when we were growing up together. we believed that a big rock that was in our backyard actually was a big gold nugget with rock over it. we spent a long time chipping the rock trying to get to the gold. my father just let us figuring it gave us somthing to do.
I first grew up in a house with a small patio. In the corner was a small trapdoor that went under the patio. I was terrified - I thought it was a bottomless pit. I never did get to see what was down there before we moved.
When I was a child we had the weight from the pendulum of a grandfather clock in an upstairs cupboard, and my two elder sisters told me it was a bomb and to be very careful with it.
I told all my friends and they all came to look at the 'bomb' but did not believe it. I called my sisters to verify my story, at which time they decided to tell the truth. Public humiliation!
When I was little, my family and I would rent a house on the beach in the summer. Every year we would buy kites to fly. My grandmother would tell me and my brother that there were tiny people living on the kites and when we flew them too close to the house, they would jump off and run around on the roof. That was her way of explaining why the roof creeks at night. It was years before I understood the concept of materials expanding when they got hot and contracting when they cooled off as in the roof cooling off at night. Even now, as an adult, when the roof creeks on my own place, I think "Must be those 'Kite People'". LOL
I used to believe that tiny monsters lived inside electric wall outlets.
I believed this because I once stuck my finger in an outlet and one of the monsters bit me.
I used to think that at night miniture people would wander round your house and steal your stuff so wenever my mum blamed me for losing something i used to get really upset because i thought they were being mean to me.
I was play in my room on the shaggy carpeting and I got up to turn on or off a light and received a mild static electric shock from the light switch. From that point on I was convinced that little men lived inside the light switches and would come out and poke you with a pin (I suppose I thought the shock felt a bit like a pin prick). I didn't touch the lights for quite awhile, prefering to live in the dark than risk being pricked again!
When my niece was young, I asked her the following question:
If olive oil comes from crushed olives, and peanut oil comes from crushed peanuts; where does baby oil come from?
Form that moment on my niece would not let my sister-in-law moisturize her skin with baby oil. When my niece finally told my sis-in-law why, I was the pariah of their household for several months.
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