around the house
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When my husband was little he used to believe,that a button for light-on was for calling a Fire Bigade. For many years he was walking up the stairs in complete darkness...After that "training" he wouldn't need to switch the light on even when he returned to his home after a year spent on studies.
When i was younger i was petrified of the dark and insisted on having the hall light on and my bedroom door wide open, at one point my bed was placed so i was looking out the door (where all i could see was the hoover) when lying down, for some reason i was always scared that there was some1 hiding behind the hoover waiting to come out and stab me to death, i have no idea where i got the fear especially as it was clearly obvious that not even a small dog would be able to hide behind the thing without my noticing!!!
i was a pretty imaginative child!!!
When we were kids, my mother would tell us that if we lefts our galoshes on in the house we would go blind. Now I realise that she probably wanted to be sure we wouldn't track up the house.
When I was around 4 or 5, I liked to peel the paint off of the walls. My mom told me that paint had lead in it, and I could get lead poisoning if I kept at it. I believed her until I was 14. I was afraid to touch the walls!
I used to believe that the Secret 7 and Famous 5 really did exist (as well as the characters from Brambley Hedge) and lived in the bottom of my garden. I don't know quite how I thought they survived down there but we did have a shed and I was sure that they had their meetings in it.
I used to believe that the dogs playing poker in the picture were real and I had dreams that I played with them!
When I was little, a girl that was a couple of years older than me told me that if you touched the fiber glass insulation, that you would itch for the rest of your life, and all day you would be scratching your self and do this crazy dance.
When I was 5 I was terrible scared of vacuum cleaners, because I thought it can suck me.
I used to believe that the vacuum cleaner would suck me up into it. Now I vacuum my kitten with one. She LIKES it.
My grandma has a weird machine in her shed and my dad tells me it is a "little machine" and if you get in it it makes you younger. (if I really believed that I would get in it!)
Growing up in an old house, my father was frequently doing some kind of work around the house. When he needed wood, he went outside and flagged down a truck that was hauling wood and buy it from the driver. At least, that what I thought was going on. Little did I know that our house was hard for the driver to find and my father had to get his attention after he had driver by the umpteenth time!
When I was younger I used to believe that when someone moved out of their house they traded houses with someone else.
When I was younger, I used to believe little people lived in my air vents, so I would sit in front of the vents looking for them.
When I was a child, I used to believe that if you mixed shampoo and salt, you could create a new living creature. Now I realise it's slime.
When I was younger I used to believe that when I hit an object they would feel pain like they were living.
I used to think satin was a material like velvet.
when i was little we had a very unreliable vacum cleaner. My mum would say that the vacum had sucked a kumara so of course i thought our vacum was full of kumaras
My parents room is right next to the main bathroom, and I used to think that if my parents weren't in there, a lion would attack my while I took a bath...
When I was young, I used to believe that everything has feelings. So when my brother has touched soap bubbles I cried: "Don't hurt them!".
in my old house, my bedroom had two doors to it, one to the hallway (that no one used) and one to what was then my parents room. i was convinced that monsters were outside of the unused door. then i was convinced jack skellington was there. didnt see all of the nightmare before christmas till a few months ago, and as a little kid, if it was a monster, a skeleton, or anything similar, it was scary.
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