around the house
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when i was around ten my family and i would visit our aunt's house a lot. she had a fireplace and we didn't so i wasn't used to them. in the winter her fireplace was always lit. it petrified me. i was convinced that at any moment the entire house would be a blaze. so i would tell my mother that i wanted to go outside and play even though there was nothing but a driveway and some trees. so i would stand in the driveway in the freezing cold for hours waiting for my family to burn up.
Lots of kids are scared of the dark because they think there are monsters, boogeymen, etc. hiding there. Well, I thought darkness was an actual physical thing, and I was afraid it might fall on me and hurt me. So, I had to have some light on when I go to sleep. Even now, as an adult, I can't sleep in total darkness...
When i was little my dad told me that inside the refrigerator was a man & everytime you opened the refrigerator the little man turned on the light and when you closed it the man would turn the light off...i would try to close the refrigerater and try to peek inside at the same time to see if i could see him...but i never could.
i used to belive that under my house were dead people and there names ere my families i was scared age 5-9 till i moved
When I was younger I used to think that when people moved (to a new house), both homeowners just switched houses with each other.
Until I was about five years old, I used to believe it was bad to leave my room before my mom woke me up in the morning. One night I woke up, needing to go to the bathroom, ran to my door, and started yelling for my mom to come open it. She didn't get there in time, but thankfully that little incident was the end of that belief.
My Grandma and Grandma used to have this huge yard with great big trees at the end. One day my sister and I were playing in the yard and got a bit too close to the trees at the end. All of a sudden I froze because what was really electrical outlets attached to the trees looked like eyes.
My sister and I ran like heck back to my Grandparents house...yelling for them to come quick..since the trees were watching us.
My Mom told it us it was because we got too close to the road...and the trees could catch us if we got closer!!
Never did we EVER go that close to the road again!!
I misheard the words "chest of drawers" and for years thought they were "Chester Drawers", a particular style of furniture.
I went to stay with my Grandmother and because it was cold at night they put an electric blanket on in my bed before I went to sleep. As it was so lovely and warm I asked my Aunt if I could keep it turned on all night. She replied that if I did that I would never see my Granny again (presumably I would get electrocuted). I spent years trying to work out why it would make me go blind.
My older brother and I use to play hide and seek in his bedroom with the lights off.The idea was to try and find the person in dark.The thing is that i never use to be able to find my brother and the reason he gave me was he had a secret door in his wall that only he could open and thats where he use to go.I believed if for years, which caused me to spend hours sneeking into his room and trying to find this secret door.I never did.
my aunt and uncle had a realy posh vase with a lid and i realy wantd 2 open it. but they told be a little man was in there sleepin and if i opened it i would waake him up and he would bite my finger off. till this day i will not go near that vase!
I used to think that there were large machines in the ceiling between the first and second floor at home. I never thought about what their purpose was, I just assumed they were there.
I used to believe that when I turned the television off and then came back later, the show would pick up where I left off...
I used to believe that their were monsters living in the walls of our house. I got this because one time my dad got very frustrated and punched the wall and accidently made a hole in it. The hole was under my brothers bed and when my brothers were jumping on their bed one day this baseball hat that was sitting on the edge of their bed fell off and went under the bed. One of my brothers got down to pick it up, but it was not there, nothing was under his bed. Thats when he saw the hole in the wall that my dad had made. We still to this day have never seen that hat again. Even after we had emptied out the house when we moved.
I used to think that cutlery had gender and that the reason the fork (male) was on the opposite side of the plate from the other silverware was that he kept trying to "run away with the spoon (female)" .The knife (male) was next to the spoon facing away from her in order to protect her from the fork running around the plate and grabbing her.
I used to believe that all houses and cars were either boys or girls and had names.
Once when my sister and I were putting the washing up away she asked me if I had breathed inside a glass I was holding. I thought she meant that I was supposed to and from then on breathed on everything before I put it away. Funny thing is no-one ever questioned me on it. I must have generally been a bit odd...
When I noticed that the plugs on electrical appliances are often marked “Fused”, I thought that meant that they had blown a fuse.
Background: in my childhood room, there was a Gothic-style chandelier. It looked like the ones typically found in old Cathlic churches.
When I was a kid, I used to believe that the chandelier could grow pointy spikes which could then fall on me. As a result, I was scared s**tless to walk under it.
When I was little, I had a BIG fear of the dark and open spaces. I always thought that if I stayed there for too long a monster would pop out from a corner, I was always running everyywhere knowing that this turn could be my last......I still do this.....
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