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I and my cousins were convinced that blind old people lived in our basement because one of my cousin's friends had told her so. We thought they were somewhere behind the walls. We were so scared to go downstairs, but we used to go anyway, and we really thought we could hear them chatter or whistle putting our ears on the wall. The power of
I used to think that their was a HUGE tarantula hiding in the furthest room in our basement, and so when I would turn around to go back upstairs, I always ran top-speed, looking behind me frantically to see if it was there.
top belief!
My friend's basement had loose shelves and if things weren’t on straight they would fall and crash. This is the reason we weren’t allowed in his basement as kids but no matter what his mom told him he was convinced that his dad had "untrained pokemon" down there and they were dangerous.
To keep us out of the unfinished basement my grandfather told us kids that there were crocodiles living down there.
At my grandma’s basement there was a hold in the middle of the floor to sweep dirt and water into after a storm. It was shallow and covered with a piece of wood. For years I thought it was a portal to Hell or a grave.
I used to think that if i went into my basement, (I was 5.......) and all the lights were off, that Chuckie, the evil doll, would jump out and kill me!!!!! I still sort of belevie this a little......hehehehehe
top belief!
I used to believe that a crocodile lived in my basement. So when I was too old for my pacifier, my mom told me that Mrs. Owl (The owl that watches what I do and tells God and Santa if I was bad) came in and pooped on them. We had to throw them down to the crocodile along with some money so that he could buy me new ones.
In the home I lived in as a kid we had a second storage area in the basement. There was no door in the door frame and our furnace was down there. All I ever saw was the red light from the furnace and my parents told me it was santa's eye and that it watched me. So every time I went in the basement I'd run and jump passed the open doorframe so santa couldn't see me
top belief!
when i was little i thought that there were always robbers in my basement so i would always yell that i was like a black belt in karate to try and scare them away
When I was little I would never go down into the basement without being accompanied by other people, I thought the old toys would come alive and kill me.
I've always done my own laundry, and our washer and dryers are in the basement. One night, when I was 12, I went down to move the laundry over, and I turned on the light and suddenly a bat flew right by my face. I shrieked and charged back up the stairs, terrified that it was flying after me. Mom kept asking me if it wasn't really just a black bird, but I promise you, I'm positive it was a bat. I was so scared that I was laughing and crying at the same time! To this day, I'm tense while going into the basement, and I always leave myself in a position where I can run if I have to!
When I was about 7ish I believed that there were zombies in my basement
just a couple of years ago i thought that robbers with guns were in my basement and might shoot me if they see me coming down there, but if i turned all the lights on in my basement (7 lights) really quickly they would get scared and run away. So every single time i went downstairs i would turn on every single light even if i was just down their to get a juice box. this went on for about 2 or 3 months... i was a confused child...
top belief!
When I still had to go to bed in the early evening, my parents would occasionally do the household chores after they were free of me and my brother for the night. The washing machine was in the basement, directly under my room, so that I could hear it, especially when it was overloaded with towels and started clanking during the spin cycle. Whenever I would hear this rhythmic metallic sound in the basement, I would huddle under my covers, envisioning a parade of skeletons marching around the basement.
When I was young, there was a stairwell outside my grandparent's house that led to the basement. Since the door in the basement was behind a refridgerator, we never knew where it went. My cousin told me that it actually led to the kingdom of the rats, and if I went down too many steps, the rat people would kidnap me and take me to the rat king. To this day I will not go down that stairwell.
When I was 4 or 5, I didn't know what the little door in the wall of the basement was for (plumbing access for a wet bar). My older brothers told me there were scary rabid monkeys living in there. It kept me out of their room when they weren't there
top belief!
In my house, there's a big black tank thing in the basement (I think it's an oil tank or something). I used to think it was a cow.
When I was younger I thought that there was a huge civilization of spiders living in my basement. I thought that when you went down the stairs that they would run to their hiding spots. I Used to go down the stairs very slowly, making sure i didn't hit any creaks, so I could sneak up on them.
I remember when i was about 3 or 4, i used to lay my ear on my grandmother's kitchen floor to hear wht is going on in the basement. I used to imagine that there are tables where witches, ghosts and goblins sold all thier handcrafted items. Until about a year ago (when i was 12) i went down there and there was just boring old basement stuff; my grandpa's tools, washing machine, and my gradma's gardening tools.
There was a part of the furnace you could look into and see bluish flames. I think it might have been gas flames. Anyway, I thought that was hell.
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