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I convinced my mom to let me see "The Silence of the Lambs" when I was 12 and I wouldn't go into the basement for three months afterward.

My brother still swears it's "The Silence of the Yams" because yams are silent and lambs aren't.

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My family loved basements. Our first house they told me was haunted and a ghost lived in the basement. When I was 3 someone decided to REALLY convince me there was dead people in the basement so they put a headstone in the basement. My mother sent me down to get a jar of preserves and I came back up screaming.
In our next house (we moved when I was 5) our basement was bigger and each area had its own monsters. The old coal storage area was full of giant spiders that would eat you, the side room was full of vampires who would suck your blood, and the dark back corner had a nameless monster. No one had ever seen it because it stayed in the shadows, but if you went back there you you would never be seen again.

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When my sister and I were very young, our parents didn't want us to go into the fruit cellar in the basement so they told us that we had an older brother named Igor who was born deformed and ugly and that's where they kept him. I totally believed them until i snuck down there anyway and found only dirty old canning jars and wooden baskets.

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When I was a little kid, my Grandmother had this huge old furnace in the basement. It was probably 70 years old, having been used to burn wood, then coal and then converted to gas. Well, this furnace was very big and had several big and rusted pipes coming out of it. It had a grill on the front (for loading the wood and coal) and when it got hot, the grill would glow red. My brothers and I were sure that the furnace was a monster and the grill was it's mouth.
To this day, I am nervous about going in to the furnace room, even though the furnace was replaced in the '70's.

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My grandpa used to tell me that there was a bobcat in their cellar. I don’t know why he said this, but I believed him and I was always scared to go down there. It wasn't until years later that I realized he was just teasing me....I think.

Silly Girl
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I used to belief that if I held my breath when I went into the basement and broke into a dead sprint to what ever it was my mother asked me to fetch, the monster that lived there would not get me.

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Once i believed in the boiler room of my basement were ghouls and goblins and witches with cauldrens cackling their horrid laugh. What made it worse was my aunt wanted me to take her clothes and put it in the washing machine. I was so scared, I would throw the clothes on the ground and run back up the stairs. I got over it at the age of 8 years old

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When I was 4-6, my uncle moved into a new house. He had a huge basement with a wooden staircase. Due to the Home Alone series which I loved, I was afraid to climb down the stairs because I thought I'd fall through

Home Alone Girl
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My older sister was convinced that a hairy old man lived in the basement where the freezer was, so when she was asked to go down to get something, she would make me walk down ahead of her so that the hairy old man would get me first and she would have a chance to get away!

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when i was four i was convinced that rainbow brite lived in my basement. my basement is divided into two sections, a furnished section and a dingy washer and dryer section. so, the rainbow brite kids lived on the nice side and murky and lurky lived on the bad side. i was fairly convinced that there was some sort of portal that took you to their world after 8pm. it took me years to shake the feeling that something bad would get me on the unfinished side.

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When I was a little kid I would visit my friend Jennifer and her basement had a very crrepy crawlspace in the back of it. We both sincerely believed that there were dead bodies buried back there and never went near that part of the basement because we were scared dead pople would come drag us back there.

No Index Finger Rat
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i used to believe that there were monsters under the stairs in the basement. They were open stairs, so i thought that if i went down they would grab me and eat me. so everytime i would go down, i would run as fast as i could.

i still do...even though i am 18

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I used to think that living in a basement flat meant that you lived underground in the dark with no windows or garden

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That there were ghosts in our basement, but that they could only come out if the lights were off.

I'd typically be the last one out of the basement, and one of my older siblings or parents would tell me to turn the lights off. I'd check around just to be sure I didn't see any lying in wait, then I'd turn off the lights and run as fast as I could through the room and up the stairs, thinking they were right on my heels. (I was way too scared to even think about turning around to check)

John E
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When I was around 13 or so my parents build a new (our first own) house. Before we lived in a kind of appartment. The house has a basement and there's an empty space under the stairs. Whenever I had to go down there at night to get something I would (after getting the item) run back up the stairs as fast as i could. I thought there would be monsters following me... Now I'm 17 and still a bit afraid of that basement...

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I used to believe that there was an evil old lady with gray hair living in my basement. I was terified of her, so every time i was going back upstairs I ran as fast as I could filled with terror. I did this for the longest time and i don't know why :)

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This is about my brother: My brother believes that on the other side of the cellar, there's a 'Clean-Up' monster that tells you if the cellar is neat or not. Me and my brother clean up the whole cellar, hide under the table, then, go to this stuffed-animal deer to find out what the monster said. It's a pretty fun game too!

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Myself, my brother and all of our friends were under the impression that a monster dubbed "Mothman" for his giant-mothlike appearance and ability to fly - lived in our basement.

A Wild Cowgirl
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When my sister was little she used to believe that Babe the big blue ox lived in our basement and would eat her if she went down there. Of course that's because we told her that. *L*

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When I was younger, I used to believe that werewolves lived in our basement. I thought that everytime we left our house they would come upstairs and have a party, then run back downstairs when we pulled back up to our hous. I also thought that if I didn't take a nath before oing to bed and smelled good, they would come upstairs to get me.

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