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top belief!
I used to believe I could put my hand under the hot tap and hold it there - of course I ran the water for a long time, dipping my hand quickly in and out till my hand 'got used to the heat' then I could hold my hand under.... I actually was running the hot water out- found that out early on when dad busted me doing my little experiment.
I thought that I could be sucked into the drain if I stayed in the tub as the water drained out.
I used to believed that if I didnt sing loud enough in the shower, a monster would come and get me. I believed that until my friend came over and made fun of me cause I sang in the shower.
When i was little my dad told me that there were sharks in the drain of the tub, so i was always terrified to pull the plug before i got out of the tub, i really thought sharks would come up and eat me like on jaws.
I used to believe that every time I washed my hands that I had got rid of another load of dirt down the plughole and that eventually I would rid the world of it. This meant that eventually washing would become unnecessary
you know when you run a tap and look into the plughole well I used to believe that little silver ring in the was a fish eye as i thought that fish could swim up the drainpipe!
After I saw Nightmare in Elm Street I used to think Freddy Krueger was hiding in our shower. Every time I went to the bathroom I had to check behind the shower curtain first.
top belief!
I used to believe that all bathrooms had a 'good light' and a 'bad light'. That is becauese in my home, there are 2 lights, a noisy, dim light, and a quiet, bright light. For some reason, I could not grasp the concept of a FAN!!! I also had to pee with the door open, so if a killer popped out of the shower, i could make a clean getaway.
I used to think that if you flushed the toilet and then turned on the tap, the sewage water would come out of the tap.
When I was around the age of three I believed you could get to Disney Land if you swam to the bottom of the bath. My sister told me that if the bath was holding the maximum amount of water it could you would be able to get to Disney Land.
I remember evidently, one extremely hot night I went for a bath. The light was shining in through my bathroom window. At the time my bathroom walls were a peach colour and therefore the peach was reflecting off the water in my bath. It was like dusk on a scorching hot desert that was just coming to an end. I was so sure that it was the bath that would take me to Disney Land. I quickly took off my clothes and jumped in the bath. I was so exited and quickly ducked my head under the water to try and get to Disney Land. It didn’t work I was heart broken I was so convinced you could get to Disney Land this way. I will never forget about the magic I felt when I thought I could get to Disney Land by going to the bottom of my bath.
My dad told me to jump in the bath, and i thought that he meant that litterally so i jumped in the bath..!
When I was little, when I would take a bath, I used to scream frantically at any random moment. Later my mom found out that she had left the window open, and that I was afraid the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz were going to come in and take me from my family.
I always hated baths when i was younger, so my mom used to distract me by telling me stories of the "Drain People". She used to make up stories that this little family used to live in our drain, and there was Dwayne Drain, and Darla Drain, and Dudley Drain and little Duey Drain. and i honestly believed in them until i was about 10!
I used to believe that I would get sucked into the drain at the bottom to the bathtub if I didn't jump out quick enough.
I used to believe that whenever i took a bath, i should'nt move around a lot because the tub would give in under my weight and i would fall into a bottomless pit.
You know how if you twirl your finger around really fast in water it will make a "tornado"? I used to think that if I kept doing it, the "tornado" might get big enough to take over the entire tub and suck me up inside of it and disintegrate me.
top belief!
I was always told not to swallow toothpaste when brushing my teeth. Naturally I came to assume that the product was poisonous and I vowed never to touch the stuff again. I got over this fear a few years later but the damage to my dental record will never be undone...
I used to believe the overflow drain in our bathroom sink was a way for the water company to tell if I was using too much water. My mom had told me this when I asked what it was for.
the first scary movie that i ever saw was "jaws" when i was about 6. i was terrified, of course. but especially when i went to take a bath. i really thought that huge shark was going to come up through the drain and get me. i cried and sat up against the back of the tub the entire time.. probably for about 2 or 3 weeks.
When I was nine, I watched Stephen King's IT, and couldn't take a shower without my mom being there or at least the door open because I thought that the clown was gonna come out of the shower drain and get me. I figured if I had the door open she could at least hear me scream.
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