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I used to believe that there was a monster in the tub drain and if it caught me it would suck me down into the drain.
I used to think that there were aliens living in the bathroom fan that would look down into the room. I think I heard a weird clicking sound one day that sparked this belief.
when i was younger my mum used to tell me that i shouldnt drink the water from the taps in the bathrooms because it was 'spiders water'. She explained that a little group of spiders had a factory in the sink and that they processed the water so if i drank any of it i would get ill. i used to be terrified of brushing my teeth with the water! :-(
I used to babysit two little girls, ages 4 and 5. One night they were brushing their teeth, and after spitting toothpaste in the sink the younger one looked up at me and said, "Is that bird poop?"
in this TV show i saw a snake coming up from the drain so everytime i take a shower i go really fast!
After I took a shower or bath I would always leave a puddle of water all over the tiles. My mom HATED that. So she told me that if the water was left there for too long the tiles would come up and be all pointy and I though that if I stepped on it they'd poke me and hurt. I also believed that if I poured a water bottle out on the carpet upstairs it would leak through the downstairs ceiling and it would be like it was raining inside! It's a shame that never worked...
After watching an advert on telly for a bathroom cleaner when i was younger, i believed that each house had a certain amount of water to it, and that if you used too much it would run out and the sink would fill with green gunge. To this day i always make sure the taps are turned off properly!
i use to think that a shark would come up and eat u in the bath tub while u are in it.
I used to believe that when the drain of the bathtub sucked things up, it was really sending me a mini whirlpool that i had to feed with the dirt in the pool. I even talked toit
When I was little I always believed that bathtubs had spiders in the drain, because I saw the "legs" in the "whirlpool" of water rushing down the hole. I would always be afraid they would come out when I opened it, so I would open the drain and then quickly jump out of the tub and hope it couldn't climb out of the tub... how stupid. I'm not even scared of spiders anymore.
I used to think that when the water went down the drain it filled a tank and eventually the tank would be full and the bath would fill with dirty water and overflow.
I panicked one day when they must have changed the plumbing or something, becuase no longer was the drain empty, from then on there was always a water level (like the toilet) and i thought "its finally happened, the bath is full"
I used to believe that in the shower, when you turn the knob to hot, little dwarf things pressed a button on some container, and hot water came out. The same happened with cold water.
I used to never be able go to the bathroom unless the shower curtain was wide open. I thought that people could use the shower drain as a portal to my bathroom, and that they might be trying to spy on me. Now that I think about it, it was really quite sad, and I still have to pee with the curtain open (even though I'm 14 now), but from looking at this site, it appears to be a common childhood fear.
When i was little i used to believe iif you pooped in a port-a-potty (portable restroom) a zombie mummy would come up and try to eat you!!! i still don't like port-a potties, i don't like'em at all...
The little nob on my bathtub that turns the plug on and off was located on a silver plate bolted into the wall. i thought it was a little man and that the bolts were his eyes, and the nob his nose. I used to talk to him all the time about my problems, and he was definitely one of my first crushes. I used to suck on his nose too, im not sure how that fits into it all...
It was halloween when I watched Michael Jackson's music video "Thriller". When I took a shower that night, I somewhat had a fear of zombies and Michael Jackson as a zombie so I ended up peeing in the shower. I stood on a stool in fear of zombies being in the shower or I stood on the side. For some reason, I have a full bladder when I take a shower.
Up until the time I was about eight, every time I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I waited as long as I possibly could before summoning up the courage. Why? I had this firmly held belief that when I went to the bathroom, behind the shower curtian (always closed at night for some reason) there lived a horrible skeleton monstor that would eat me if I flushed the toilet too loudly. So I never flushed the toiled at night (and always blamed my sister the next morning when my mom asked who did it)
Also, there was a family of gnomes that would eat my toes if I didn't have them on the side of the tub while going to the bathroom. I still keep my feet up when I'm in that bathroom.....
When I was little, I used to believe that burglars and classmate were outside my bathroom window staring at me when I took a shower or went to the bathroom and i always got scared so I tried to cover up myself as much as possible!
I used to believe that you had to get out of the bath before the plug was taken out. Otherwise you'd go down the drain, too. And that horrible suction noise was, in fact, the monster at the other end whowas going to eat you
top belief!
When i was 6, I thought everyone took a bath with a bathing suit on, and I was the only weird one who bathed naked. I remember fighting with my mom before a bath, trying to convince her that I should be wearing my bathing suit. Needless to say, she let me wear my favorite lime green bikini that one time.
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